(JULY, 1887.
descendants established themselves as kings of Schiaparelli and Teloni), and a Treasurer (Signor this country, and the present prince, Jayadhwaj Donati). The Honorary Members for Europe Singh, claims descent from them."
and America are Prof. H. L. Fleischer (Leipzig), Sir Henry Rawlinson (London), Prof. R. Von
Roth (Tübingen), G. Maspero (Paris), J. Legge, THE NEW ASIATIC SOCIETY OF ITALY.
(Oxford), Prof. A. Weber (Berlin), Prof. W. D. The 14th November of last year witnessed the Whitney (New Haven, U.S.), Prof. Max-Müller opening at Florence of two scientific institutes, (Oxford), E. Renan (Paris), Prof. H. Brugsch which owe their origin to the indefatigable (Berlin), Prof. F. Müller (Vienna), O. Böhtlingk, activity of the Conte Angelo de Gubernatis, (Jena): for the East, L. Alishan (Venice), Dr. Professor of Sanskrit at the University of Jamáspji Minuchiharji (Bombay), Dr. Bhåndêrkar Florence.
(Pana), Dr. Bhagvânlal Indraji (Bombay), Dr. During his journey through India in 1885-6, Rajendra LÂla Mitra (Calcutta), Sumangala, he not only succeeded in purchasing 640 Indian (Colombo), Gerson da Cunha (Bombay), Ram Das MSS. for the Italian National Library, but in Sen (Burhânpar), Raja Surendra Mohan Tågor obtaining, besides, about 2,000 objects of archæo. (Calcutta), Ahmad Vefik (Constantinople), Butrus logical and artistic interest, which are now ex. Bistani (Beyrout), and Hormuzd Rassam (Persia): hibited in the rooms of the Indian Museum at for Italy, Signori Gorresio, Ascoli, Flecchia, Florence. At the same time he took active steps | Lasinio, Cusa. Teza, Lignana, Severini. towards establishing an Italian Asiatic Society, Italy has already in the past taken an important similar in its scope and objects to the already and distinguished part in the international comexisting Asiatic (Oriental) Societies of England, petition in the field of Oriental research, and this France, Germany, United States of America, and institution promises to give her work in that India. The prospectus of this new Society is direction still greater weight and lustre. dated Florence, Nov. 20, and is signed by Signori Angelo de Gubernatis, Fausto Lasinio, Carlo
M. A. STEIN Paini, Ernesto Schiaparelli, Bruto Teloni, and Girolamo Donati.
CURIOSITIES OF INDIAN LITERATURE. The object of the Society is to encourage every
A CURSE ON MAITHILA BRAHMANS. description of Oriental study in Italy, especially
The Brahmans of Mithilå or Tirhat are a notoin respect to Asia, and to strengthen generally
riously litigious people. They are always quarthe relations between Italy and Asia. In order to
relling amongst themselves. They admit this attain this object, it proposes to publish besides
fact, and lay the blame on a curse of Råma"Proceedings" and monthly reports, papers con
chandra. When he came to Janaka's court to tributed by its members in Italian, French, Eng.
Sita's Svayawwara, the Maithila Brahmans treated lish, German, or Latin; to promote the foundation
the young Kshatriya from Avadh with contumely. of professorships of living Oriental languages; to
He turned upon them with the following curse :--. grant subventions to Italian Orientalists travelling in Asia; and to award prizes for the best books गृहे शूरा रणे भीताः परस्परविरोधिनः। on Eastern subjecte, published by members of the
कुलाभिमानिनो यूयं मिथिलायां भविष्यथ ॥ Society, either in Italy or abroad.
The Society consists of an Honorary Fiveident, Heroes at home, cowards in the battle-field, the famous Arabic scholar Senator Michele always quarrelling amongst yourselves, and Amari, of Pisa ; 32 Honorary Members, eight of inordinately full of caste pride, shall ye be in whom are chosen from Italy, twelve from the Mithil.' rest of Europe and America, and twelve from I must say that the curse is a very accurate the East: Life Members and Ordinary Members, description of a great many Maithila Brahmans. whose yearly subscription is fixed at Rs. 10. The Committee of Management or Council is to
BANGALIS IN BIHAR. reside at Florence and to include the President (Conte de Gubernatis), two Vice-Presidents (Signori The Bangalis, as a nation, are very unpopular in Lasinio and Puini), two Secretaries (Signori Bihar. There are a number of popular verses
• Many traditions of this nature are current among the Asimis, probably framed to make them proud and although such legends are no more than mere fanciful creations of a diseased imagination. I have thought it worth while to publish one of them, from which my readers will be able to form an idea of the stage of
mental development to which the people of Asam had reached at the period treated here. It is to be hoped that the Kavirkj will be able to publish more of such traditions, as they have much value as folklore.-ED
A catalogue of these MSS. is in course of preparation by Sign. Dounti, of Florence, and Conte Pullé, of Padua