[JULY, 1887.
14 Sanatvena pradattah (11) Tad-bhavadbhir -[ja]-sravana-vidhêyair-bhûtvå samasta
bhaga [bh]ga-kara-hiranya-daṁd-adây-adikam=uchit-Anuchitan ch-kay-Opanêta
vyam 15 [Sa(P)] chandr-arkan kshity-udadhi yavat sva-putra-pautra-samtatya bhunaktu
| bhôgena và praytechchhatu Bnyasya và dadâtu vikrìnatu krishntn krish payatt
vâ[1°) Na kair=api bha16 vi-bhôkt;ibhiḥ paripamthibhir=bhavitavyaṁ | Va(ba)habhir="vasudha bhuktà rajabhiḥ
Sagar-adibhiḥ | yasya yasya yada bhůmis-tasya tasya tadâ phalam (11)
Bhůmim yaḥ prati17 (sri]hņâti ya[secha] bhůmim prayachchhati | ubhan tan punya-karmmånau niyatam
svargga-gaminau (11) Samkham bhadr-asanam chhatram var-asvaha vart
vahanâh bhůmi-danasya chihna18 ni phalai svarggah Paramdara (n). Sva-dattam para-dattâm=và yê harota
vasumdharâm s & vishthayam krimir-bhûtvå pitsibhih saha majjati (11)
- Sva(suvarnnamsakan tâm=(k[â•]m bhumer=apy=eka19 m-angula haran-narakam-ayati yavad-khûtasamplavam || Mangalam mahs-srih 11
Srimad-Dévavarmmadevah 11 TRANSLATION.
joy to good men, of quspicious aspect-thus his
person is adorned with a máss of many noble Om ! May it be well!
qualities. (L. 1.)-The most worshipful, the supreme (L. 6.)-He, having reflected, that (this) king of Mahdrájas, the supreme lord, the worldly existenee with its graceful appearance devout worshipper of Mahsvara, the illustrious resembles the inside of the plantain-stem, which, Dovavarmadova, the ruler of the glorious
beautiful indeed to look at, is void of substance, Kalanjara, -who meditates on the feet of the
(being) in residence at Suhavása, on Monday most worshipful, the supreme king of Mahará- the third of the dark half of the month Vaishjus, the supreme lord, the illustrious Vijayapa- kha in the year 1107, informs the Mahattamas ladova, -who meditated on the feet of the and the people, Brihmans and others, dwelling most worshipful, the supreme king of Mahardjas, at the village of Kathahau (?), which apperthe supreme lord, the illustrious Vidyadhara- tains to Ranamaua in the Rajapura avastha, deva,-the prosperons, -01
and the king's officers (as follows) - (L. 3).-By the fire of his prowess he has (L. 8.)-On the anniversary (funeral ceredevoured the whole circle of the regions. He mony in honour) of our mother, the queen, the is the spiritual guide to initiate into widowhood illustrious Bhuvanadevi,--having according to the wives of the enemies slain (by him) on the rule bathed in water, having satisfied with battle-field. Since he surpasses by his truth-water containing darbha-grass and sesamum the fulness Yudhishthira, by his generosity (Karna) | divinities and men as well as the ancestors, the ruler of Champa, by his depth the great having presented the argha (offering) to the sun, ocean, by his might the god (Indra) who is the having adored the holy lord of Bhavani, and beloved of Sachi, by his beauty too the 'mind having duly sacrificed to fire-we have, in born' (god of love), by his shrewdness Sukra-order to increase the (spiritual) merit and fame together with Váchaspati,"—what would be of our parents and ourself, given as a grant the use of recounting his other qualities, brilli. this village, with its water and dry land, with ant like the splendour of the clear moon ? In- its mango and madhaka-trees, with its ravines, tolligent, devoted to the law, valorous, speaking saline wastes and stones, with its hills and the truth, subduing the senses, grateful, causing water-courses (?), with its mines of iron and
* Metre, Slóka (Anushtabh); and in the following The word váhald occurs in the Kharepku plates of verses.
Satyaaraya II. and has there been translated by torrent 50 This is superfluous.
(Jour. Bo: Br. R. As. Soc. Vol. I. P. 829). One may The sentence is continued in line 6, he, having compare vdling 's river,' and vdhaka "water-channel reflected ...
in the Gwalior inscription of Samvat 933Hultaach in » The preceptor of the Daityas and the preceptor of Jour. D. Morg. Ges. Vol. XL. p. 87; (baha, 'watertho gode.
course' Elliot, Suppl. Glossary, Vol. II. p. 320; Grierson, "I am somewhat doubtful about this translation. Bihar Pewwant Life, $ 954).