JULY, 1887.]
of the light half of Magha in the year 1190,
having bathed according to rule in holy Om ! May it be well!
water, having satisfied the divinities and (L. 1.)-Victorious is the race of the Chan- the rest, having adored the sun and the lord drátrêya princes, which causes joy to all, is of Bhavani, (and) having sacrificed to fire,humbly revered by all rulers, (and) is resplen- have given in this the above-written village dent like the moon, that gladdens the universe a piece of ground measuring" ten ploughs and) is borne on the head by the Ruler of (hala),"S-in figures too, 10 ploughs, which for the universe !
sowing requires seven droņas and a half of. In this flourishing (race), lustrous because ... (?), ** (and) of which the abuttals are, in of the appearance (in it) of warriors whose the eastern direction the boundary-mark" of power of victory, power of conquest' and so the village Raņasua, in the southern direction forth derived -splendour from the defeat of the boundary-mark of the village Kamanauda, (their) adversaries, the most worshipful, the in the western direction an ant-hill by a madhúsupreme king of Mahárājas, the supreme lord, ka-tree, on the north the boundary-mark of the the devont worshipper of Mahêávara, the illu- village Vijault, the ground thus well-defined strious Madanavarmadova, raler of Kalan. as to its four abuttals, together with the jadid. jara, -who meditates on the feet of the most field (?), with its water and dry land, with worshipful, the supreme king of Maharájas, what is stationary and movable, with what is the supreme lord, the illustrious Prithvivar. below and above, accompanied by every kind madeva, -who meditated on the feet of the of income, past, future, and present, - most worshipful, the supreme king of Maha! (L. 12.)—to the Brâhman RAbhalaśarman," rájas, the supreme lord, the illustrious Kirti- son of Jâţa, son's son of Sanhi, (and) son of the varmadêve,
son's son of Vapana, " of the Bharadvája gotra (L. 5.)--He, the victorious, who has dis- (and) whose three pravaras are Bharadvája, tressed the whole host of his enemies by his Ângirasa, (and) BArhaspatya, of the Vâjasandprowess, which is indeed most difficult to en- ya ádkhá, who has come from the village dure, who is keeping the earth like a noble
Dhakari, -confirming our gift) with the pour wife free from trouble, (and) whose intellect is ing out) from our hand (of) water purified with rendered spotless by his perfect discernment, kusa-grass, having performed (the rite of svastivd. he commands all cultivators (Kutumbins), Kaya-chana" (and) having ordained that this ground) sthas, Mahattaras and others assembled at the 1 shall descend in the line of his song, sons' sons, village of Vamharada, which lies within the and so forth, so long as moon and sun endure. sadali vishaya, (as follows) :
(L. 15.) Aware of this, you, being ready to (L. 7.) Be it known to you, that, for the obey (our) commands, shall make over to him (spiritual) merit of our parents and ourself, every (cind of income), the share of the prowe (being) in residence near Bhailasvamin, duce and so forth. Nobody then shall cause in the year one thousand increased by one any obstmction whatever to him, when he may hundred and ninety, on the full-moon day in enjoy, plough, cause to be plonghed, give away, the light half of the month Magha, on a mortgage, or sell this his ground, with the Monday,-in figures too, on Monday the 15th
ways from it and to it, with all its palm-trees,
For satka in the different sense of belonging to, Bee ante, Vol. XI. p. 309, lines 22 and 23; Vol. XIII. p. 78, 1, 24, eto.
hala s & montre of land (bhdmi-hala) frequently occurs 6.g. in the Chanlukya land-grants edited by Dr. Bühler, ante, Vol. VI.
The word vau in the original I take to be the Sanskrit word vdpah, seed-grain,' (compare also Grierson, Bihar Peasant Life, $ 855, bawag, bog, bdüg); the following four syllables, which should denote some pare ticular find or kinds of grain, I am not able to explain. With the whole phrase compare ... ante, Vol. XV., p. 840, lines 43 and 48, and yayoraggpagirlya-mdpyena Audpd yavindt drond badala in line of the GHLIO inscription of Sarvat 983 ed. by Dr. Hultanch, 2. D. Korg. Ges. VoL XL. p. 84.
0 The word danhdaku for Sanskrit dandaka stands in the place of the word end of the Chanluky and other land-grants; compare dand or dond'land-matk' in Elliot, Suppl. Glossary, Vol. II. p. 280..
"I am unable to explain the words jadid-kahatrina saha.
* Compare ardhuddhas, ante, Vol. XV. p. 11, 1.23, and sanimninnata in the grant A. here publiahed.
" For the reading of these names see notes 43 and 44 above.
'A religious rito preparatory to sacrifice of any solemn observance (performed by soattering boiled rice on the ground and invoking blessings by the repetition of certain Mantras). Monier-Williams, Dictionary.