MARCH, 1887.]
brows, and in the aperture of the head; he who after applying gopichandana, fixes his thoughts there, must reach the Supreme.
The Yati who is an úrdhvadandin and chaste (úrdhvaréták), who understands the urdhva pundra and úrdhvayêga, and is therefore in possession of the four úrdhva,' attains to the high (úrdhvam) place.
This certain knowledge comes of itself, through devotedness to me; so the application of gopichandana should invariably be followed by undivided devotion.
The most excellent úrdhvapundra, made with gopichandana and water, is prescribed for all Brahmans versed in the Vêda. In the absence of gopichandana, the aspirant to emancipation should always use a paste made from the root of the tulasi plant, in order to reach the notinvisible Self. The bones in the body of one whose limbs are anointed with gopichandana,
become like the chakra from day to day. (3).
At night one should rub the body with ashes from the agnihotra, whilst reciting the mantras Agnér bhasmási' [VS. 12, 46], Ida Vishnuḥ' [RV. I. 22, 17], and Trini pada' [I. 22, 18],the Vishnugayatri, and the pranava..
He who thus, according to rule, applies the gopichandana, or he who reads this, is cleansed from all the great sins,-is freed from an evil-disposition,-has bathed in all the tirthas,-has sacrified with all the sacrifices,-is worthy of honour from all the gods, and his unswerving attachment to me, Nârâyana, is strengthened. After attaining to a thorough knowledge (of me) he is absorbed into Vishnu and does not return. That exalted place of Vishnu's, the learned ever behold, like the sun's [lit. the eye] stretched out in the sky. Exultant watchful Rishis glorify that exalted place of Vishnu's.' [RV. I. 22, 20]. (4).
II. Gopichandana-Upanishad. TEXT.
Gôpikâ nâma samrakshani Kutah samrakshani bhayâch cha samrakshanî Chandanam tushtikâraṇam Brahmanandakaranam | Ya êvamvidvân êtad âkhyâpayêd ya êtach gopichandanamṛittikâyâ niruktyâ, nirdharanamâtrêna cha, Brahmalôkê malôke mahiyata iti 1
Lokasya narakân mrityôr cha Kim tushtikâranam | cha dharayêd, mahiyatê, Brah
Gopyô nama Vishnupatayah syuh 1 Tâsâm chandanam âhlâdanam Kaśchâhlâdaḥ Esha Brahmanandarûpaḥ | Kascha Vishnupatayo gôpyô nâma 1 YA âtmanâ Brahmanandaikarupam Krishnakhyam paraṁ dhama ajayams tå, jagatsrishtisthityantakarinyah Prakritimahadahamâdya, mahâmâyâh1 Kascha Vishnuḥ Param BrahmaivaVishnuh Kaschâhladah 1 Gopichandanasamsaktamanushânâm papasamharanách chhuddhântaḥkaraṇânâm Brahmajñânaprâptiścha Ya êvam vêdêty upanishat || 2 11
Gôpity agra uchyatâm chandanamh tu tataḥ paśchât Gôpity aksharadvayam, chandanam tu triyaksharam, tasmâd aksharapanchakam Ya êvam vidvân gopichandanam dharayêd akshayam padam âpnôti, pañchatvam sa pasyati; tatô 'mritatvain aśnutê, tatô 'mritatvam aśnuta iti 11 31
Atha mayasabalitam Brahmâsît Tataś cha mahadâdyâ Brahmano mahâmâyâsammilitât Pañchabhûtêshu gandhavatiyam prithivy asit, prithivyâs cha vaibhavad varṇabhêdaḥ Pitavarnâ mridô jayantê lôkânugrahårtham Mâyâsahitabrahmasambhogavaśâd 28ya chandanasya vaibhavam I Ya vam vidvân yatihaste dadyâd anugrahârtham mâyânupaplavah sarvam Ayur êti, tatal prâjâpatyam râyaspôsham goshpatyam cha Ya êtad rahasyam sayam prâtar dhyâyêd, ahoratrakṛitam pâpam nâśayati, mritô môksham aśnuta iti 114 11
Giplcbandanapaikina lalátah yas
ва tu lêpayêt êkadandi tridandi vå môksham samaśnutê || Goplehandanalipting yah yam piyati chakshusha I tam tam pûtam vijániyâd rajabhiḥ satkritô bhavêt 11 5 11
13 So the Dipika.