Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 16
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 168
________________ 154 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [MAY, 1887. this is the proper result. It would be quite and Devapattana is well known as another intelligible, if we could refer the date to a name of Somnathpå taş, i.e. the modern Verwal year commencing with Mârga irsha; for, then itself. It is however, difficult to understand the date, belonging to Valabhi-Samvat 927, how the corrupt Gujarat reckoning of the would fall quite regularly in Saka-Samvat Gupta-Valabhi era can bave been introduced 1167, and in A.D. 1246. This, however, as at Verawal in A.D. 1246, when, as we have I have stated above, is distinctly prevented already seen from the other Verawal inscripby & perfectly conclusive obstacle. The only tion, the true original reckoning was known resource that remains, is to hold that, for there up to at least eighteen years later. The some reason or other, this date, like the explanation is perhaps to be found in the supKaira date of Dharasêna IV., of Gupta-Vala- position that the inscription was prepared bbi-Samvat 330, was taken from a Gujarât under the personal direction of a pilgrim from almanac. This, again, would be perfectly in- Gujarât, who had brought a Gujarat almanac telligible, if we could only assume that the with him. But, be it what it may, I have to image, which must as usual be portable enough, point out distinctly that the date is not & satiswas fashioned, together with the engraving of factory one, since an important correction of the inscription, at some place in Gujarkt; and some kind or another has to be made, in order was then transported by a pilgrim to Verawal. to interpret it intelligibly at all; and that in But the objection to this is, that the in- no way does it give a conclusive result, like scription distinctly records that the image that of the other Verâ wal inscription of Valawas caused to be made at Dévapattana; bhî-Samvat 945. THE LEGEND OF TULASI AS TOLD IN SOUTHERN INDIA BY THE ORTHODOX. BY R. D. M. The immortal gods were much distressed It therefore became a most prominent suband disquieted on account of Jalandhara's project of their thoughts, to find a way by which ceedings; for that powerful demon had threat- they could ruin Vrinda's character. But no ened to displace Indra, king of the gods, from common mortal or immortal was' ever able to his celestial throne and occupy it himself. approach her with any evil intent in his heart; Now Jalandhara had a most beautiful wife, as the radiance of her purity, if he made the Vrinda by name; the beauty of whose pure attempt, was able to instantly blind or strike and spotless character even excelled by far him dead. No god dared to undertake the that of her person. She was a most chaste fearful task. Even Indra, who was notorious and devoted wife and passionately attached to for his wily ways and base tricks shrank JÄlandbars, who returned her love as ardently timidly from such a terrible undertaking. So as-a faithful and affectionate husband could. after much deliberation, the gods agreed to Now Jalandhara had become invulnerable petition Vishnu, the most daring of them all by all creatures, and by death himself, through and the bitterest enemy of the demons, to help the virtue of his wife's chastity and purity; and them. He at first hesitated, but was induced BO, when he besieged Svarga, the abode of the to do their bidding on account of the pressing gods, they hastily took council together as to necessity; and so directing Indra and the other what they should do and how they should over. gods to engage in battle with Jalandhara, he come their mighty enemy. They besought the prepared to seduce Vrinda. four-faced venerable grandfather of all crea- In this way it came to pass that the gods tares, Brahma, to favour them with bis wise challenged Jalandhara, who forth with went out advice, and he told them that they would not alone to meet all the millions of them in battle! be ablo either to conquer or to kill Jalandhara The struggle lasted long, but Jålandhara as long as his wife Vrinda remained as pure betrayed no signs of either weariness or disas she then was. couragement. He was ever fresh, and his


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