JUNE, 1887.)
rules; and the same might be said of othera Värttika of the Saunagas (Vol. II. p. 105, rules. Besides, the verge in Vol. III. p. 121, 1.8; p. 209, 1. 8; and p. 238, 1. 11; quoted 1. 13 appears to me to prove that P. VI. 2, 108 without in the Kasikd towards the end of
9, even before the time of Patañjali, was the commentary on P. IV. 1, 15) as well as in regarded as a separate rule.
the corresponding rule of Chandra's grammar.
The original ending of the rule may be seen 2. One or more words added to the from Patanjali's words h a fa on P. original text of a rule.
IV. 1,16; and Kaiyata has the note- egt:
TOTSAS. P.I.3, 29 ## Tufegyfogkrafyff:
P.IV.2, 2 लाक्षारोचनाशकलकर्दमाइक् originally originally was only समो गम्वृच्छिभ्याम् . The verbs |
did not contain the words शकल and कर्दम, विदिप्रच्छिस्वरति and अतिश्रु have been added from
which have been inserted from Katyayana's first Katyayana's Vârttikas (Vol. I. p. 282). ET Vârttika (Vol. II. p. 271) on the role. Here which also is given by Katyayana, is mentioned again Kaiyata has the note-कलकर्दमयोः सूबे in the Kašiká only in the commentary, whereas
TSATT. [Incidentally I may add here that Chandra has made it part of the rule. Kaiyata
the statement शकलकदमाभ्यामणपीष्यते, which ocappends to the Vårttikas on P. I. 3, 29
curs in the Kašika on P. IV. 2, 2, is based on the remark- Tregizacara TATA
Chandra's rule शकलकर्दमावा]. वार्तिकमारब्धम्.
P. IV. 2, 21 feritofaretra T4. The P. III. 1, 95 TUTTE : originally was
word is has been added in accordance only out. The addition of the words y
with Katyâyana's Vårttikas on the rule, but :has boen suggested by Katyayana in his
has been declared superfluous by Patañjali Vårt. 1 on Påņini's rule, but shown to be in
(Vol. II. p. 275). Kaiyata appends the note-- reality superfluous in Vârt. 2 (Vol. II. p. 81).
संज्ञामहणं सवे ऽनार्षमिति वार्तिकमारब्धम्. On the Vårt. 1 Kaiyata has the note- 2
P. IV. 2, 43 प्रामजनबन्धुसहायेभ्यस्तल originally इस्बेतावत्सूत्रमित्याह कृत्यसंज्ञायामिति.
did not contain the word ge, which has P. III, 1, 118 yeuraai efe originally
been taken from Patañjali's note on the rule was only प्रत्यपिभ्यां पहे.. The word छन्दसि has
(Vol. II. p. 279). T#, which also has been been added by Katyâyana (Vol. II. p. 87).
mentioned by Patanjali and which Chandra P. III, 1,126 errow . Here
has in the rule, is given in the Kásikd in the wife has in my opinion been inserted from
commentary. Katyayana's Vårt. 3 on P. III. 1, 124 (Vol. II.
P. IV. 4, 17 PTNT
originally p. 88). f, which is mentioned in the same
| was only विभाषा विवधात्. वीवध has been added Vårttikei is in the Kasiká given in the com
from Patañjali's note on the rule (Vol. II. p. mentary on P. III. 1, 126.
329), and is also given by Chandra. Haradatta P. III. 3, 122 Terrara
has the note- TYTETIT
O T . originally did not contain the words In TT and
P. V.2, 101 gratuit T: originally STAT, which have been inserted from Kâtya
did not contain the word , which has been yana's Vårttika on the preceding rule (Vol. II.
added from Patañjali's note 3 on the rule p. 155). The word Ter, which is mentioned
(Vol. II. p. 396) and has also been given by in the same Vârttika, is in the Kasika given
Chandra. Here again Haradatta has the in the commentary on P. III. 3, 122. In the
note- free fra Tar Mahâbhâshya, Vol. II. p. 146, 1. 20, where the
. rule has been quoted, the MSS. give it as read
P. V. 4, 50 sp re sfera ift in the Katika, excepting that the MS. K omits
खिः originally did not contain the word अभूतसfrom it .. Kaiyata on P. III. 3, 121 has
are, which has been added in accordance the remark-Tartu Tra ffic
with Katyayana's first Värttika on the rule
(Vol. II, p. 436). Kaiyata has the note बर्चमाभियुक्त प्रक्षिप्ती.
P. IV. 1, 15, which in the Katika ends - अभूततझावग्रहणं वार्तिके वृष्टान्यैः सूत्रे प्रक्षितम्.. ces , originally was ending of :. The P. VI. 3, 6 e o originally was only term 6 has been added from Katyâyana's N, and the addition of gris Katyayana's Vårt, 6 (Vol. II. p. 209), and it occurs also in (Vol. III. p. 143). Such evidently is the