JUNE, 1887.)
quest, however, he begged of her to ascertain long. The young man waited till he saw the from her father whether he was mortal, and if giant come wading through the waters, to10 whether he knew in what manner he would wards the island, and as soon as his antagonist come by his death. The lady promised to touched the shore, he wrong the poor parrot's obtain the information for him, and the youth, neck and killed it. And lo! the same instant throwing her into a trance, assumed the shape the huge giant fell down dead, and lay, stretch of a parrot once more, went out of the palace | ing his immense length over half the island. and rested for the night in a niche in the roof. The young man now once again resumed
Hardly had the young man left the room when human shape and drawing some water out of the giant entered it, touched the fairy with the well that was hard by, sprinkled it little by the magic wand and brought her to her senses. little on the stones he found lying in different The two then sat down to their dinner parts of the island ; and they soon began to be together, and in course of it the lady inquired transformed into human beings, and to rise up of her father in a casual way whether be was one by one, and walk about. mortal and whether she had cause ever to fear They could scarcely realise where they his death.
were, so long had they been lying there lifeless "My daughter," he replied, "you need never as stones; but their deliverer soon brought have any fear of my dying. Nobody can kill them to a sense of their true position and me so long as the parrot on yonder island they all felt very grateful towards him. They lives, for it holds the key of my life." then walked, all together, to the sea-shore,
"What parrot, father P and what island P" where to their great joy they found their ships asked the lady innocently, not knowing that lying at anchor. So grateful did they feel toher late visitor was on the roof, in the shape wards the young man, that they all offered to of a parrot, hearing every word they uttered. place their ships at his disposal and to take
"Far, far away in the sea," replied the him to his native country; and each and all giant," there is a small island, on which is a pressed upon him rich presents, for most of golden onge hung high up in the air. In that them were either rich merchants, or great cage is the parrot with whose life mine is princes. But he would accept of nothing connected. As soon as some one shall wring from them. He would be amply repaid, he its neck and kill it, I am dead. But I am sure told them, if only they prepared him & dono one can ever do so. In the first place, no oumont setting forth all the services he had one would be able to get to the island ; and rendered them, and put their signatures to it. secondly the cage is hung too high for any one This they did with great pleasure, and presentto reach it. So I am quite certain that no ed the document to him with many expresone will ever cause my death. Some human sions of gratitude. After this they all went on beings that have been by accident thrown board their ships and sailed away. upon the shores of that island from time to The youth then smelt the magic flower and time, have been transformed by me into 1188 uming the shape of a parrot, flow with all stonos, and stones they will remain until a few speed towards the Råni's palace. When he drops of water from a well there is sprinkled arrived into her presence be found her lamenton them."
ing her father's death, of which she had come The young man, who had been hearing all to know by certain indications around her. this, waited till daybreak, and as soon as it He soothed her as best he could, and held out was light, spread his wings and flew away into bopes that her father might yet return, for he the sea. After a very long journey he reach-wished to keep her ignorant of the fact that he ed the island and to his great joy, saw the himself was his destroyer. But she was congolden cage hang up there just as the giant vinced that her father was dead, and was inhad said. He flew up to it, and opening the consolable for a long time. A few days after door, caught the parrot by its neck.
this, finding her a little calmer, he declared his The giant, at the same moment, felt a tight-love for her and begged her to accompany him ness at his throat and ran with all speed to his native country. To this she readily towards the sea into which he plunged head consented, and the two started together on