Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 16
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 122
________________ 108 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [MARCH, 1887. chaste lady that had resisted the temptations Thus spoke the king, firmly believing that of a wicked man, and stood before her royal Pâpabhiru would never return to him ; while husband who was at his worship. Patnipriya the Brahman, glad to be able to serve the king rose up and asked her the reason for her a second time next morning, went home and sudden appearance. slept soundly. Early in the morning, even a Said she :-"Your Majesty seems to think ghafiká before his usual time, he got up, and, the whole world as innocent as yourself. That placing on his head a bag containing dry wretched old Brâhman, though his hair is as white clothes, proceeded to the river for his morning as milk, has not forgotten his younger days. bath. He took the road to the eastern gate Fortunately for us there were several maids by las he had been ordered, but had not walked me when he approached me, and so he fled far when a friend invited him to a dvddait away without his vile intentions being fulfilled. breakfast. If you do not order his death before to-morrow "My poor old mother did not taste even a drop morning, I shall kill myself." of water the whole of the ékádasi, (yesterday). The king was much vexed with what he Rice and hot water for a bath are ready. Pour heard, and all the regard he had for the Brah- a little of the water over your head," pronounce man disappeared at once. He called two of his one gdyatri,' and taste a handful of rice. executioners and spoke to them thus before Whatever may be the urgency of your business, his wife : oblige me for my poor mother's sake." Thus "Take to the east gate of the town a large spoke his friend, and Pápabhiru, out of regard iron caldron, and keep it boiling to the brim to his father's order never to spurn a morning with gingely oil. A certain person shall come meal, ran in baste into his friend's house to to you in the morning and ask you, 'Is it all oblige him; the king's order all the while done P' Without observing who he is, tie hus sitting heavily on his mind. hands and feet and throw him into the boiling Meanwhile the Minister was most apzious to oil. When he has been boiled to death, pat hear the news of the Brahmap's death, but was ont the fire and empty out the oil." afraid to send any one to inquire about it, The executioners received the order and lest he shonld rouse suspicion. So he went went away to perform their terrible daty. himself to the east gate, as soon as the sun The queen, too, glad at heart at having thus had risen, and asked the executioners, sitting successfully arranged for the murder of the by the side of the caldron, by way of a simple Brahman, reported the fact to the Minister, question : 18 the business all done ?' And as but said nothing about the special question they were instructed not to observe who the to be put by the victim. The Minister, much person was that came to question them, but to pleased, went to his palace and waited for tie him up and boil him in the oil, they, the news of the Brahman's death. notwithstanding his howls, bound him and When his pájd was over the king sent for threw him in. As soon as he was dead, they Papabhira, and the poor Brahman, never having extinguished the fire, poured out the oil, and before been sent for at such a time, made his turned over the caldron, corpse and all. appearance with a beating heart. When he The Brahman finished his dvddafi breakfast, arrived the king, in order to arouse no suspicion in great haste, and, with the betel leaf still in in his mind, said gently to him: "My dear his hand, ran to the gate to inquire of the Brahmaṇ, to-morrow morning, when you go to persons seated by the caldron whether it was make your ablutions, pass by the east gate. all done. When he put them the question, There you will see two persons sented by the they smilingly replied, “Yes, Sir, it is all done. side of a large caldron. Ask them, Is it all The Minister is boiled to death. We gave full done P' And whatever reply they give you, execution to the king's orders. You may go come and communicate to me." and report the affair to him." • Oil of sesamum til and gingely oil are the ordinary Dames for this common product of India. ..' Duddati is the twelfth lunar day, on which early in the morning, before even the fifth ghafid is over, every orthodox Hinda in obligod by his religions ooden to break the previous day's fast Lit. a' chombu-fuli'the chombw to small rovel. A sorod byen.


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