MAY, 1887.
either case, the two intercalated fortnights are, Gupta-Valabhi era had been fairly introduced of course, the same lunar period; the only dif. in Gujarat, the natural tendency, as I have ference is in respect of the name by which that said, would soon be to disregard the original period should be called. And, in finding that scheme of its years, and to substitute for it the period coupled with the name of Margasirsha, scheme of the southern Vikrama years. Let there is the fact, which must be admitted, that us assume that this substitution took place in in contravention of the usual rule, the grant Gupta-Valabhi-Samvat' 303, which commenced, recorded in this inscription was made in the approximately, on the 19th March, A. D. 622, intercalated month; a deviation for which I about balf-way through southern Vikramacannot find any reason in the record itself. Samvat 678. Then, if the change of scheme Having regard to this and other points, I asked was effected in the first seven lunations of the Mr. Sh. B. Dikshit to also make the necessary Gupta-Valabht year, the Gujaratis would make calculations on the possibility of the abbrevia- the new year, Gupta- Valabhi-Samvat 304, tion dvi for dvitiya, “the second," qualifying, commence with their own new year, southern not only the word Margasira, but the whole ex- Vikrama-Samvat 679, on Karttika sukla 1, or pression Márgasira su 2; i.e. on the possibility approximately the 12th October, A. D. 622; of the intercalation or repetition referring to and Gupta-Valabhî-Samvat 303, as thus adaptthe tithi or lunar day, not to the month. He ed and shortened by them, would have con. finds, however, that the second tithi of the brighttained only seven lunations, from Chaitra sokla fortnight of Mârgasirsha of Saka Samvat 571, | 1 up to Äávina krishna 15. If, on the other falling in A.D. 649, was not a repeated tithi, hand, the change was effected in the last five either by Prof. K. L. Chhatre's Table, or by the lunations of the Gupta-Valabhỉ year, when Súrya-Siddhanta ; and that, on the contrary, by
southern Vikrama-Samvat 679 had already the Súrya-Siddhanta, there is the possibility of commenced, then the Gajarâtîs would defer this tithi having been expunged, in the far the commencement of the new year, Guptaeastern parts of India. It is certain, therefore, Valabbi-Samvat 304, until the commencement that the intercalation refers to the month; not of their own new year, southern Vikramato the tithi. And it is equally certain that in Samvat 680, on Kârttika sukla 1, or approxiŚaka-Samvat 570 there was an intercalated mately the 1st October, A, D, 623; and Gupta. month, falling in A. D. 648, which might be Valabhi-Samvat 303, as thus adapted and pronamed Margasira or Margasirsha, and which, longed, would have contained nineteen lunaevidently, was actually so named in the calendar tions. The years of the era would, for the that was consulted by the drafter of this record. future, always commence, in Gujarat, with the This being the case, there cannot have been an years of the southern Vikrama era, on the first intercalation of the same month, or in fact of day of the bright fortnight of Karttika. Under any month at all, in the following year, Saka- the second condition, every subsequent year in Samvat: 571. Therefore, the Mârgaáirsha of Gujarat would commence seven lunations later this record undoubtedly fell, not in A. D. 649, than it would in Kathiâwâd, as long as the true as should be the case according to the true original reckoning was preserved in the latter Gupta-Valabbf reckoning, bat in A. D. 648; country; which was the case up to, at least, and the year 330 of this record must have com- Gupta-Valabhi-Samvat 945. Under the first menced with the month Kárttika that preceded condition, every subsequent year in Gujarat the true commencement of Gupta-Samvat 330, would commence five lunations earlier than in with Chaitra sukla 1, according to the original Kathiâwâd. And the grant of Dharasêna IV., scheme of the years of the era. Bearing in now under notice, shews that this latter was the mind, however, that this record comes from manner in which the change of scheme, which Gujarat, we have not to seek far for the expla- had already been accomplished, was effected; nation of this discrepancy. When once the since this is the only method by which the
"I do not mean to assert that the change took place in this particular year; or even within a few years on either side of it. All that is certain, is, that it took place before Gupta- Valabht-Setavat 330. And I have
used the year 803, instead of 300 in round numbers, for purposes of illustration, only in order to avoid a year with an intercalary month.