(APRIL, 1887.
315 palas; the decimals being supplied from and is always to be added, in respect of the column 2, in which is given the number of tithi-suddhi and the tithi-madhyama-kendra. days, corresponding to the number of years in The reason for this correction, is this. As excolumn 1.
plained above, the tithi-udlhi and the tithiIn one solar year, the mean tithis are 371, and malhyama-kéntra depend respectively on the 3 ghatis, 53'4 palas. Dividing 371 by 360, the mean longitude and the mean anomaly of the remainder, +1 tithis, 3 ghatis, 53-4 palas, is moon. But the moon's mean motion is not given as the variation of the tithi-:delhi in always the same. Therefore, to her mean one year (page 10, col. 4).
longitude and mean anomaly, obtained froni The variation in the moon's hendra, in one the general Table of annual variation in them year, is 3 signs, 2 degrees, 6-2 minutes (page (Tablo III. p. 87f., cols. 2, 3), a correction 87, column 3). This, changed into tithis by (Tablo IV. p. 89., cols. 2, 3) is to be applied. the rule of three, viz. - 360° : 92° 6' 2 :: Thus, for Saka-Sarvat 0, the correction in the ti. 27 gh. 59 p. 33-36 : ti. 7 gh. 9 p. 42,-is moon's mean longitude is 44 seconds, and that given, therefore, as the variation in the in the kendra is 2 degrees, 55 seconds (page 90). tithi-kéntra in one year (page 10, col. 5). These, turned into tithis are 3 ghatis, 40 palas,
A few other points and terms will be with regard to the titli-suldhi; and 14 ghatis, explained, as we proceed with the following with regard to the tithi-kendra. These figures, example.
therefore, are given as the correction in resTo find the Week-day of a given Tithi.
pectively the tithi-áuddhi and the tithi-kendra
for Saka-Samvat 0. In the Table, this correcThe process will be best illustrated, step by tion is given for intervals of 1000 year's each. step, by actually working out an example. Taking first the tithi-buddhi, the correction for And, at Mr. Fleet's request, I take, as my Saka-Samvat 0 is gl. 3, p. 40; and the correcexample, the date of Saka-Samvat 406 (A.D. tion for Suka-Samvat 1000 is p. 32. Therefore, 494-85).: the month Åshadhs (June-July); deducting the latter from the former, the difthe bright fortnight; the twelfth tithi. ference, yh. 3, p. 8, or 188 palas, is the variation
From Table I. page 10, write down (see the of correction in 1000 years. Then, by the Rule Table on page 117 below), in three separate of Three,-1000 years : 406 years :: 188 palas columns, three quantities, for Saka-Samvat 0, : 76 palas. And 76 palas are gh. 1, p. 16. As which are technically called the kshépaka (ra) the quantities are decreasing ones, this is to be or additive quantities ;' riz. (a) the abiapa, subtracted from gh, 3, p. 40, for Saka-Samvat váras 1, ghatis 10, palas 10; (b) the tithi-sulani, 0. And the remainder gives us, as the suftitithis 12, ghatis 45, palas 14; and (c) the tithi- ciently approximate correction for Saka-Sarvat madhyana-kendra, tithis 24, ghatis 52, palas 50. 406, gh. 2, p. 24, to be added in (). Similarly, Below each of them respectively, in its proper the correction for the tithi-malhlyama-kendra. column, enter, from the same Table, the bheda worked out in the same way, is gh. 9, p. 8, to (t)or variation for the component parts of be added in (c). the given Saka year ;vis. for 400, in (a) váras Now add together the respective quantities 6, gh. 30, p. 9.3, in () tithis 15, gh. 55, 19. 492, in (a) (b) and (c), bearing in mind that, in and in (c) tithis 9, gh. 24, p. 45; and for 6 doing so, when the vdras in (a) the abdapa years, in (a) váras 0, gh, 33, p. 9.1, in (6) tithis exceed 7, or any multiple of 7, only the re6, gh. 23, p. 20-2, and in () tithis 14, gh. 58, mainder, above 7 or its multiple, is to be p. 39.
brought to account, because there are 7 varas Now, as the given year is anterior to Saka- or week-days in each week; and that, when Samvat 1622, correction, to be arrived the tithis in (6) the tithi-áuddhi and in (c) at from Table II. p. 12, is to be applied, the tithi-malhyama-kéndra exceed 30 and 28
1 The decimals in the palas of (a) the abdapa are taken from the alargand, or total number of solar days of the solar year, in col. 2.
16 Properly speaking, this variation is for SakeSamvat 500, midway between Suka-Sanavat o and
1000. It should be reduced first for the year midway between Saka-Samvat O and the given year; in this instanco 406. But there is no absolute necessity for such exaot precision.