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| genuit Perfaer adiroeggsstarf (cai) din garçobanya," feat git are 15 तः ॥ . 9. - भूभारो रोहणोभूदितरतरुतुलामाश्रितः कल्पशाखी किंधेनुः कामधेनुः क्षितितलपरिखा कीर्ति16 पात्वं पयोधिः । इत्याश" नादिवा[तु]न्प्रति जगति [[ग]रो गीयमाना नरेन्द्रे यस्मिन्नभ्यर्थ्यमानैर्व्वसुभिरविरतं groferentren
17 र्थान् ॥" v. 10. – बद्धपद्मकुटीरकपनवितामा पाहिले श्रीपती सुमीतेष्यभिचारनीस्वरतया भतया परिक्रीडितं । arfirait fa
18 नियुक्तयाप्यनुदिनं पात्रे शुचौ जातया मत्स्वामिप्रियवास एष इति यः कामं श्रिया संश्रितः ॥ * v. 11मोनादिव्यसहचि
19 कमलाननारायणहि [ती]मेश्वरफल्गुनाथविजयादित्यादयानां कृती | । स मासादमचीकरदिविष • केदारदेवस्य
20 च स्वातस्योत्तरमानसस्य खननं सचं त[था] चाक्षये ॥ v. 12. - सूर्य चन्द्रमसौ यावद्यावत्क्षोणी ससागरा ।
तावत्" श्रीयशपालस्य रा
21 जन्तां भूषि कीर्त्तयः ॥ . 13. न्यायविद्याविशं श्रेयानागीमामकुलोद्भवः । श्रीमुरारिर्द्विजश्रेष्ठः प्रशस्तिमकरोंहिमां । v. 14. - लिखिता [सौ] "
Ôm! Adoration to Sûrya!
(Verse 1)-May the Sun protect you!-he who illuminates the lotus which is the universe, filled with a mass of honey-the objects of sense, having for bees the multitude of living beings, (and) charming with its leaves-the eight regions!
(V. 2.)-Resplendent is (this) sacred place Gaya, which, in the guise of furnishing flights of steps on the banks of the Phalgu and elsewhere, provides stairs for those who, cleansed of darkness, go to the abode of heaven. This beautiful (place) it was, the living soul of the whole wondrous terrestrial creation, that caused the Creator to think highly of his skill, even after he had made the three worlds."
(V. 3.)-Here there was the illustrious Badraka, who, endowed with unblemishable bravery, made the swarm of (his) enemies long for the forest (and) caused it to reside (there) in dwellings of leaves. To him paid homage of his own accord the ruler of Gauda, almost
10 Rend बल:
30 Metre, Sardalavikridita. 3 Read
3 Metre, Sragdhard 33 Read stoffer. 3 Metre of verses 11 and 12, Sardalavikriḍita.
25 Read . 3 Originally
ar Originally सूर्या. "Bond तावच्छ्री.
3 Metre of verses 18 and 14, Anushṭubh. 40 Originally प्रीशस्ति°.
Here ends line 21. The name of the writer is written in very small letters below the aksharas tft of line 21,
equal to Indra, with, homage fit for a lord of
(V. 4.)-From him was born the prince, the illustrious Visvarapa, an ocean of wonderful manliness, whom Fame, Fortune, and Intelligence of their own choice took to be their one lord. Even now the host of enemies, hearing the tale of the brilliant terrible prowess of that (prince), in its supreme terror congratulates itself on not having been born in his time.
(V. 5.) He placed the wealth of the enemy, which he had appropriated by the strength of his arm, at the disposal of the most excellent twiceborn, in such a way that their young wives, enveloped in splendour, shone like celestial damsels even on the surface of the earth.
(V. 6.)-On the orb of the regions and inter. mediate regions, long rendered white by his bright fame, spreading all around, the moon, by day and by night, places in abundance the deer that forms her own dark spot, in order to make (that spot) known in the worlds.**
but it is (with the exception perhaps of the two syllables f) illegible in the rubbing.
For similar expressions, compare e. g. Damayantikatha, p. 104, 1. 5; p. 259, 1. 13; p. 270, 1. 3. On the first portion of the verse it may suffice to quote from the Gaya-Mahatmya the line:
गयायां न तत्स्थानं यत्व तीर्थे न विद्यते.
43 The spot in the moon being rendered invisible by the lustre of the prince's fame, the moon is represented as placing the deer, one of which forms that spot, on the earth, in order that her spot may not be altogether forgotten. I take to be a Karmadharaya-compound. The moon is called go, e. g. Srikanthacharita, iv. 18.