[FEBRUAEY, 1887.
of the antsvára, in vrst 1. 10; and the absence defeated his enemies, and that the ruler of
Gauds paid him homage fit for a lord of men. of sandhi in 'भूत् श्री 1.5, and तावत् श्री 1. 20.
According to Taranatha's account of the M&The inscription is not dated ; and, irre- gadha kings (ante, Vol. IV. p. 366), a prince spective of such proof as may be afforded by the Yakshapala was the last of the Pala family; alphabet in which it is written, there is at present but, as his father is stated to have been no evidence to show with certainty when it Ramapala, the son of Hastipals, it is difwas composed. It records (v. 12) the erection, ficult to believe that he is the Yakshapala of our at Gay, of a temple dedicated to various inscription. I entertain a very strong suspicion local deities, the digging of the Uttaramanasal that the Krishna-Dvárika Temple inscription will tank, and the establishment of a charitable hall throw light on the present inscription; for even by the prince (v. 10 narendra) Yakshapals, the lithograph which has been published by the son of the prince (v. 4 nripa) Visvaraps General Cunningham, shows that that inscription and grandson of the illustrious Badraka, of mentions not only Badraka-(end of line 6, Gaya (v.3). Of Yakshapila and Viivarapa, |सस्व सदनु तनुजन्मा मुररिपुरिव पूनको भूतः), but nothing of any historical value is mentioned; also visvaditya (line.8, विवादित्वमजीजनत), and of Sadraka, who is not actnally styled who may be supposed to be the Visvarape a prince, it is merely stated that he had T of our inscription.
भी नमः सूर्याय।। 1 विषवमधूरकरपूणे प्राणिनिकाबालि विश्वशतपर्च। भष्टाचादलरम्ब प्रकाशवमवतु दो भानुः॥' verse l2 तीर्थ फल्गुति"]टादितीर्यप[]माध्याम सोपामिनी गन्तृणां परमस्व धौलतमा धानो गवा राजते।
श्रीमत्वैव ब.. 3 या महीमबमिलचिवस्थ जीवात्मना शिल्पोडकर्षममन्वतात्मनि विधिः कृत्वा बिलोकीमपि ॥ v. 2.
अस्यां बभूव रिपुरान्दम4 निन्यसौर्यः' कुर्वन्वनमणवि पचनिकेतनस्य। श्रीचूद्रकः स्वयमपूजयदिन्द्रकल्पो गौडेश्वरो नृपतिलक्षणपूल5 बा॥.3.-तस्माद्भुतपौरुषाम्बुधिरभूत् श्रीविश्वरूपो मृपःकीर्तिश्रीमतबः स्वबंवरतवा भेडर्वमेकं पति।म6 चापि स्फुरदुपविक्रमकथामाकर्पवयस्व च स्वासं[भूतिमरातिचक्रमसमवासात्तदा लापते ॥"r.4
लक्ष्मी रिपोः 7 स्वभुजवीर्यवसीकृतां"यो भोग्यां तथा विहितवान्" द्विजपुजवानां । एषां बया युवतबो-युतिमाधाना मा. 8 काङ्गना इव"विरे"इरिलावलेपि ॥".5.-बस्योनलेन" यशसा श्रमता समन्ताचक्रेचिरं धवलिते विदिशा दिचास। लोकेष्वभिप्रथविद् मृगलाछनः स्व"मेणामुल्वपमहधिमादधाति॥1.6.-वेमाचापि चकाशति"
प्रतिदि10 देवालबाः कारिता भूबाटो" हिमदीधितियुतिमुपो मेदिम्बलशारणः"। मूर्बावामतबा हिमाद्रिशिखरस्प11 डॉच्छूित मिः कुर्वन्तो विवति स्खलातिरयं प्रस्थानदुस्य" रवि"॥"v.7.- धर्मस्व य व
सूनुरजातशत्रुस्तस्थाय 12 धैर्वनिलबोजनि यक्षपालः। लुप्तकतौ कलियुगस्व विकृम्भिते बः कामान्भृशं कतुभुजः क्रतुभिः पु. 13 पोष ॥v.8.- [पुष्टो"]नअन्तया परेव्ययमय भिक्षाभुजा निजितः सर्वेणाबवला"लोबमचिरस्थायी मनोभूरFrom the rabbing. Metro, Aryl
" Rend यस्योज्ज्व लेन. " Perhapa originally स्वंमेणा. This akshara in the rabbing looks rather like, but a
" Read चकासति. 0 Read भूयांसो. is written similarly in संभति in 1.6.
n Originally कृरिणः, but, asit seems, altered to°ारिण:. Originally 31, but the vowel-sign of this akshara hus been struck out, and the sign for the consonant altered.
# The superscript r above the second akshara is very • Metre, Sardalavikridita. • Read बभूव.
indistinet; the third aksharaisय,altered to या. * Read 14. • Metre, Vasantatilaka.
- Read 'दुस्थ. " Perhaps originally रविः• Read °म्बुधिरभूच्छीवि . 0 Originally श्लघते.
»5 Metre, Sard Alsvikridita. Metre, Vasantatilaka.
"I am very doubtful about the two aksharas put in 1 Metre, Śard dlavikrlạita. * Read aftal.
brackets; the writing on the stone appears to be quite 1 Originally 'वान् । द्विज'. " Originally हाय. plain, yet I can make out, with certainty, only that tho 15 Originally बिरिजु
mpper portion of the second akshara ist.. * Metre of verses 5 and 6, Vasantatilakd.
- Read 'बलाब.