Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 16
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 98
________________ 86 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [MARCH, 1887. of the Bhagirathi. In the abridged dictionary, village of Pindaraka, still held in venethe only reference is to a tank on the north side ration, is situated in Gujerat, about 20 miles of a village in Southern India! The Calcutta from the north-west extremity of the Penindictionary, Váchaspatyam, gives a description sula." The Mahabharata calls it simply a of a Chakratirtha in Prabhasa,' a celebrated tirtha, and locates it in Dvaraka, as will be kshetra (not in the vicinity of Dvaraka, as seen from the following extract:-“Tatê Monier Williams says, but) in the south-west Dvaravatim gachchhên niyatê niyatàśanaha corner of the Kathiawad peninsula, near the Pindarako naraḥ snâtvå labhêd bahusuvartown of Patan-Somnath (Wilson's Vishnu-nakam'|| Tasmins tirthê mahâbhâga padmalaPurúna, Vol V. p. 47); but it ignores that at kshanalakshith Adyapi mudra drisyanto ta Dvaraka. adbhutam arindama Il" Vanaparva, lxxxii. 65. The only word remaining to be noticed is 67. In the text of three MSS. of the Mahátmya, Piņdatáraka. It occurs in Narayaņa's Dipikú, it is called Piņdaraka, but Pindatáraka in where, in explaining the expression Krishna- the colophon of the chapter in which it is dipanchanámabhiḥ in Section 2 of the Vasudeva, described; whilst in the recension ascribed to he gives five names which are said to be found the Vishnudharmóttara, that is to the Gáruda. in the Dodrukd-Mahátmya, and one of them is Purana (Barnell's Index to Tanjore ManuPindatarakeša. I have not been able to dis- scripts, p. 188), I found Pizdatáraka in both cover the epithet there; but a whole chapter is text and colophon, and that too in defiance of devoted to the tirtha. It appears in the dic- metre! It is evident, then, that the longer tionaries as Pindaraka; but they give no form is not a clerical error, as I at first supdefinite idea of its position. In Wilson's Vishm- posed; but, hitherto, no one appears to have Purána, Vol. V. p. 141, we read-"The noticed it. Vasudeva-Upanishad. TEXT. Ôm Namaskitya bhagavantam Naradaḥ suréévaram Vasudevan paprachchha Sribhagavan ûrdh vapaņdravidbim dravyamantrasthânâdisahitam mê brûhîti! Tan hôvacha bhagavan Vasudevah,-Vaikunthasthânôdbhavam, mama pritikaram, madbhaktair Brahmadibhir dharitam, Vishnuchandanan, Vaikunthasthånad Ahritya Dvårakayam maya pratishthitam Chandana kumkumadisahitam Vishnuchandanan, mamangê pratidinam aliptam gôpibhiḥ prakshâlanâd, gopichandanam akhyâtam Madaigalépanam punyam Chakratirthintahsthitan chakrasamayuktam pitavarnammaktisadhanam bhavati 11 1 11 Atha gopichandanan namaskritya addhritya--"Gôpichandana papaghna Vishnudéhasamudbhava1 chakránkita namas tubhyam dharanan muktido bhava" | iti prarthayann,-"Imam mê 'Gange," iti jalam ádáya," Vishņôr nu kam," iti mardayêt "Ato dēva avantu nab," ity étabhir rigbhir, Vishņugâyatrya cha, trivaram abhimantrya, “Saukhachakragada pâne, Dvårakanilayâchyuta 1 Gôvinda, pundarikáksha, raksha már saranagatam" || iti mam dhyâtvå, -Grihasthô, lalátadid vâdaśasthaléshy anâmikångnlya, Vishnagayatrya, Keśavadid vådaśanamabbir vå, dharayêt | Brahmachari, Vânaprasthô VA, lalátakanthahridayabảhumalëshu, Vishnugayatrya, Krishnadipañchanåmabhir vâ, dhårayet I Yatis, tarjanya sirôlalátahřidayêshu, prañaréna dharayêt | Brahmadayas trayô mûrttayas, tisrô vyâbritayas, triņi chbandâmsi, trayê vedås, trayah svaras, trayô 'gnayê jyotishmantas, trayaḥ kálás, tisrô 'vasthås, traya atmânah, paņdras traya ûrdh vậh | Akárokaramakârâ êtê sarve pranavamayôrdhvapundratrayatmakah Tad etad om, ity ékadha samabhavati According to the Skanda-Purina ite boundariestu paschime ! uttare tu vislákshi dakshine saritária are as follows :-Parve Yamėá varam yavat Srtsômesas patih U


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