FEBRUARY, 1887.)
rage; and, on coming to see her in the evening, Presently they passed through a field of the king noticed that something had disturbed corn, ready for the sickle, and looking like a her.
sea of gold as it waved to and fro in the "Are you indisposed P" he said.
breeze. "No, but I am very much annoyed at the "Is this eaten or not P" said the young man. strange behaviour of a fish. A woman brought Not understanding his meaning the old man me one to-day; and on my enquiring whether replied, "I don't know." it was a male or female, the fish laughed most After a little while the two travellers arrived rudely."
at a big village, where the young man gave "A fish langh? Impossible! You must be his companion a clasp-knife and said dreaming."
“Take this, friend, and get two horses with “I am not a fool. I speak of what I have it; but mind and bring it back, for it is very soen with my own eyes and have heard with precious." my own ears."
The old man, looking half-amused and half"Passing strange! Be it so. I will enquire angry, pushed back the knife, muttering someconcerning it."
thing to the effect that his friend was either On the morrow the king repeated to his wazir deladed, or else trying to play the fool with what his wife had told him, and bade him in-him. The young man pretended not to notice vestigate the matter, and be ready with a satis- his reply; and remained almost silent till they factory answer within six months, on pain of reached the city, a short distance outside which death. The wdzir promised to do his best, was the old farmer's house. They walked about though he felt almost certain of failure. For the bázúr, and went to the mosque, but nobody five months he laboured indefatigably to find a saluted them, or invited them to come in and reason for the laughter of the fish. He sought rest. everywhere and from everyone. The wise * What a large cemetery !" exclaimed the ad learned, and they who were skilled in young man. magie and in all manner of trickery, were con- "What does the man mean P" thought the sulted. Nobody, however, could explain the old farnier,"calling this largely populated city matter; and so he returned broken-hearted to a cemetery!" his house, and began to arrange his affairs in On leaving the city, their way led through prospect of certain death; for he had had a cemetery, where a few people were praying sufficient exporionce of the king to know that beside a grave and distributing chupetis and His Majesty would not go back from his threat. kulichás (cakes) to passers-by, in the name of Amongst other things he advised his son to their beloved dead. They beckoned to the two travel for a time, until the king's anger should travellers and gave them as much as they have somewhat cooled.
could eat. The young fellow, who was both clever and "What a splendid city this is!" said the handsome, started off withersoever qismat (fate) young man. might lead him. He had been gone some days,
"Now the man must surely be demented," when he fell in with an old farmer, who also
thought the old farmer. "I wonder what is vus on a journey to a certain village. Finding will do next! He will be calling the land the old man very pleasant, he asked him if he water, and the water, land; and be speaking of might accompany him, professing to be on light where there is darkness, and of darkness a visit to the same place. The old farmer when it is light." However, he kept his agreed, and they walked along together. The thoughts to himself. day was hot and the way was long and Presently they had to wade through a weaty.
stream that ran along tho edge of the comeDon't you think it would be pleasanter if tery. The water was rather deep, so the old you and I sometimes gave one another a lift " farmer took off his shoes and páijamas said the youth.
and crossed over; but the young man waded “What a fool the man is !" thought the old through it with his shoes and pdijamas on. falmer,
"Well! I never did see such a perfect fool,"