Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 62
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Charles E A W Oldham, S Krishnaswami Aiyangar, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarka
Publisher: Swati Publications
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MARCE, 1933)
h occurs chiefly in Tulu only in initial positions of native words ; inter-vocally native words (except a few borrowings from the contiguous dialect Kannada, like ariku (knowledge)] do not have the aspirate at all.
[B] Tugu h- CORRESPONDING to p. [Note. (a) These h- words in Tuļu are all borrowed from Kann., being either rare sub.
dialectal forms of " learned" words. (b) Many of these h- words have genuine Tuļu p counterparts which are far more
generally and commonly used. A few like halavu, háku, hdvu, Malu, etc., are "learned " borrowings from Kann. They have no counterparts in Tuļu with p-]
hagalu, pagalu (daytime) --cf. Tam. pagal, old Kannada pagal, modern Kannada hagalu. hani, pani (slight rain) - cf. Tamil pani (cold), old Kannada pani, mod. Kann, hani,
Kui pini (cold). hari, pari (to run, to flow)-cf. mod. Kannada hari (to flow), Tamil para-kk- (to spread). hala-vu (many) -cf. mod. Kannada hala, south Dr. pala. halabe, parabæ (old man)-cf. mod. Kann hale (old), Tam. pal-aya (old, ancient). háku (to flog, to lash) - cf. mod. Kann. hák - (to throw; colloquial also flog'or beat')
and Tamil påy-kk (to cast). havu (snake)
--cf. mod. Kann. hidu, Tamil påmbu, Tel. påmu. hdsige (mat)
-cf. mod. Kannada hasige (mat), Tamil påy (mat) connected
with the base pdy (to spread). halu (ruin)
-of. mod. Kannada halu and Tam. pal (waste). hing to be unsteady) -cf. mod. Kann. hing. (to go back) and common Dr. base pi.
(back) in Tam, pin, etc. hidi, pidi (hold, grasp) -cf. mod. Kann. hidi, Tamil pidi. huttu, puttu (birth) -cf. mod, Kann. huttu, old Kann. puttu, Tel. purtu, Tamil pira-,
coll. poprekk (to be born). hullu, pullu (grass) cf. mod. Kannada hullu, Tam, pullu. hengasu (woman) -of. mod. Kann. hengasu (woman), Tamil pen, eto. hemma (abundanco) - cf. hemma of mod. Kann. Old Kan. herma, perma, and Tam.
peru-mai. In connection with these instances the following facts are significant
(i) While the change of p->h has affected almost all Kannada words of the modern period (vide Kittel's Grammar, & 64), only a fraction of p-forms of Tuļu shows h-as rare subdialectal instances. A large number of native words with initial p- remain unchanged, e.g., pafiji (pig), pajos (mat), pattue (strip, stripe), pade- (to become invisible), pasce (greasiness), pádte (rock), pay. (to be diffused), piji- (to twist), pugte (smoke), puftu- (to be born), puda (dove), etc., etc.
These p- forms do not possess any corresponding forms in Tuļu even sub-dialectally. Of course a few of these p-forms do have cognates among the words, but the differences in structure or in meaning or in both are significant :
Tuļu. paje (mat) pár. (to fly) pira (behind) ponnu (girl)
Tuļu. [borrowings] hásige (mat) hari (to run) hing-(to be unsteady) hengasu (woman)
Kannada. hásige (mat). hari (to run, to flow). hing- (to go back). hengasu (woman).