Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 62
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Charles E A W Oldham, S Krishnaswami Aiyangar, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarka
Publisher: Swati Publications
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DECEMBER, 1933 ]
[ $$ 368-369
METATHESIS. 368. Metathesis of consonants was not rare in Pr. (Pr. Gr. $ 354). As examples, we may quote Skr. hrada-, Pr. draha- or daha-, OWR. G. drah, H. EH. B., &c. dah, a lake ; Skr. laghuka-, Pr. halua., IAV. halaka; Sr. Pr. genhidum, AMg. Pr. ghettum, to take, &c.
So also, metathesis is often to be noted in the IAVs. From the nature of the case, the instances are usually sporadic, each in a special language, as in B. birām, for Prs, bimār, sick; but some cases run through pretty nearly all IAVs. Thus :
Ap. pratyabhija- paccahiánai H. EH. B. r pahicán-, P. V pachán..
nāti, he
recognises. cikhallah, or cikkhallu or H. EH. B. kic, kicar, G. kic, M. G. R. kicad ; ciklidam,
but H. EH. B. also cik, cikar, cahalā, M. mud
(*cikkhilu) also cikhal, G. also cikkhal, P. cikka?, L. (Pr. Gr.
cikar, S. cika, cikad, Bg. cahal.
$ 206) pináhayati, pinähávēi
P. L r pahin., to wear (clothes); H. EH. B. he causes
rpihanā- or r pahiná-, to clothe; A. pindhā, to tie on.
clothes. paridhiyalē, parihai H. EH. B. Bg. r páhit-, G. R. r pēr., or he is clothed. (HI. R.51) pahr., to dress oneself; P. r pahirāv-, to
cause to wear; cf. M. péh"ran, G. phäran,
a shirt. vidálah, a
H. EH. B. bilār, G. bilūdo, but EPh. CPh. cat
birālu, WPh. (fem.) birāli. urudati, he
buddai (Hc. IAV. r būd. or r dūb.. sinks
iv, 101) múdgarah, a
sTs. M. múgdal, G. mágedal, P. H. EH. B. 0. múgedar or mágdar, but A. múdagal,
M. also múd"gal, Bg. múdgar (Ts.) As other examples for special languages, we may quote, S. parts (pattraka-), a leaf ; frak", a spinning wheel (tarka); sarahö, joyful (saharga-, S. Gr. xl.) NL. ; jākat, for jātak, a boy; mahēša, for Prs. hamēša, always ; sabūb, for Ar. asbäb, goods; wahēli, for Prs. hawēli, a house ; WPh. (K!.) kaśmir, for *magsir (märgaśīrşa-), name of a month ; OWR. gamă (märga-), a road; G. harād (Pr. athāraha), eighteen ; G. dial. (LSI. IX, ii, 331, 438) v tip-, for r pit-, beat (also WPh.); kharāvēs, for khawārēs, I will give to eat; det"wā, for dero"tā, fire ; jambūt, for Ar. mazbül, strong ; mag, for gam, towards ; nuskān, for Ar. nuqsān, damages,; H. (Br.) kula ph, for Ar. qufl, a lock.
369. Very often aspiration comes as a result of metathesis, by conflation of an unaspirated letter with a neighbouring h (cf. Sí. Pr. genhidum, Amg. Pr. ghettum, above). Thus
Skr. gödhūmaḥ, wheat göhūšu G. ghaữ, H. P. ghéữ or gehữ, others gohữ, &c. prabhstikam, pahudia M. pudht, or, dial., phuat.