Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 62
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Charles E A W Oldham, S Krishnaswami Aiyangar, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarka
Publisher: Swati Publications
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MAY, 1933)
(115) JOURNAL Letter A containing all transactions relating to my affairs in India and
Europe commencing this [blank] June 1720. Sundry accounts dr. to stock .. .. .. .. rs. 61933. 6. 7
For the amount of goods, adventures,
debts, &ct., which are not collected in vizt. Account current London for adventures and
debts, &ct. in Europe as per particulars in Europe books
Stg. $9825. 16. 11 dedt. silver 895.-.- 98. per
- pagoda 19846. 8. 40
£8930. 16. 11 Account current Bengal for debts, adventurcs, &ct., there, as per particulars in
those books, vizt. Adventures standing out
rs. 6969. 10. 3
7865. - -
deduct due to Mr. James Williamson() ..
14831. 10. 3 8763. 12. -
6070. 14.
1830. 23. 71
rs. @ 330 rups. per 100 pags... .. Voyage to Persia, &ct., from Bombay in the Willian() ..
rs. Mr. Benyon under me .. .. .. .
9000 5000
1333. 12. -
2677. 12. -
239. 30. 66
rs. 4000 @ 3 rups per pagoda .. .. .. .. William Wake my account due to ine 8032
rups. @ 3 per 1 [sic] Voyage to Mocho per Sampson(3) remaining
of my concerns under Maubert vizt. 1st voyage .. .. .. .. "
. . - - 2nd ditto .. .. .. .. .. 1. - - George Wyche due to me(") .. . Voyage to Surat per Shaw Alum(5) under
Maubert, remaining .. .. .. .. Voyage to Judda per Charles,(6) under Trench
field ... ... .. .. ... under Maubert
260. 23. 40 Voyage to Eastward per Prosperous(") under Maubert ..
" ** Voyage to Siam per Brittannia(8)
under Powney . .. .. .. 5500 under Horden in Mr. Trenchfields name .. 500
1000 Mr. Phips under me .. .. .. .. 200
709. 23. 40