Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 62
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Charles E A W Oldham, S Krishnaswami Aiyangar, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarka
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 329
________________ AUGUST, 1933 ADDITION OF CONSONANTS [ $$ 293-293 by analogy, but this will not meet the case of the pronouns. On the whole, therefore, I am inclined to consider this prothesis a survival of an old Aryan tendency to prefix g to u or w of which sporadic examples exist in widely separated Indo-European languages. Thus, Av. váta, Baloci gwät, wind; Av. visaiti., Bal. gist, twenty ; Skr. vidhavā, Latin vidua, Welsh gweddw : Latin vado, Italian guado, Provençal, guá, French gué; Latin vagina, Italian guaina, French gaine. 293. More common is the prefixing of h to words beginning with a vowel. In Central Pahāri, Western Pahari, Rajasthani, and the Bhil dialects, h is prefixed to aur (a para.), the common word for ' and,' 'other.' Thus CPh. (Km.) haur, others hör. In the NWIA Vs. (Lahndā and Sindhi) the same thing happens to the word for'a,' 'one' (Skr. ēka.), as in S. hiku, L. hikle or hik. Perhaps the same has occurred in Kāšmiri haktahar, someone, if it represents the Skr. ēkatara-. Prothesis of h is not uncommon in Dardic. See below. 294. In Marathi and the three Pahāși languages y is often prefixed to è, and w too, both at the commencement and in the middle of a word. Thus, M. yene, to come ; yēthe and ēthê, here; coll. M. ēk or yē, one (LSI. VII, 22); M. (Kön.) yergo=Latin ergo; cordo= Latin ordo (LSI. VII, 168). In Eastern Pahāți e is ad libitum pr. ye or ya, as in tes-kö, tyes-ko, tyas-kő, of him ; garē or garye, they did. Initial & is always pronounced yě, as in bhayē for bhaz; yak or ek, one ; yeoţā, for e(k)otā, one ; yes-kő, for es-ko, of this. Similarly o and wa are interchanged, as in hos or hatvas, thou art (LSI. IX, iv, 22). In Central Pahārī initial e always has y prefixed, as in yetuk or yatuk, for etuk, so much. In § 166 we have seen how in Km. e becomes yā, and o becomes u/. In Western Pahāți examples of this prothesis of y are more rare, and those noted are found only in Pādari, a dialect much influenced by Dardic. Here we have pyith, the back, for pitth, dyittā, given, for dittā; rlyekh, write, for likh, and other similar cases. Finally, similar prefixes have occurred in Hindi in the two words yah or yeh, for i; this, and wah or woh, for u, that. The prefixing of y and w is very common in Dardic. See below. 295. Prothesis of consonants in Dardic follows much the same lines as in the IAVs. In Kh. yec, an eye (others cc, ace, ach', ži, &c.) the letter y has been prefixed. With this we may compare the Eranian prothesis of x in words like Prs. Xām, raw; Xāya, an egg ; Xēš, a plough, &c. (GIP. I, ii, 67). Prothesis of h is a common feature in Eranian (GIP. I, ii, 97, 209, 236, 256), and also occurred in Shāh bāzgarhi (hia, hida, hedisa-). We have seen how it occurs in NWIAV. In Dardic we have Ş. hagar or agar (angāra-), fire (ş. Ph. $ 49); KI. händu-n (Av. antara), a house; Gwr, hāsi (āsya-), the mouth; KI. hāš (Av. aspa-), a horse ; Kě, alun or halun to tremble. Prothesis of y has been noted in East Eranian Pašto and Talcah (GIP. I, ii, 208, 298). We find it also in Drd. Paš. r yē, Ks. yi-, come (Av. v i.). It is probable that all these languages prefix y to è ort. This is certainly the case in Kš. In this language a word beginning with dor , always has y prefixed. Even when reading Sanskrit, Kš. pandits pronounce ēka. yēka-', and icchati'yicchati.' Even in the middle of a word & is pronounced vě by Hindus. Thus bēkh, another, is pronounced brēkh. Prothesis of (w) also occurs in East Eranian (GIP. I, ii, 208, 298, 388). Cf. Shāhbāzgarhi vuta Similarly Drd. Ş. rwa-, come (Av. a+ray); V. wögix, a finger-ring (Av. angus. ta); Kh. r weg., send (Skr. ris). In Kš., just as in the cage of y, no word can begin with ŭ or o. In such cases a w must be prefixed. Thus, K r woth, 143


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