Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 62
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Charles E A W Oldham, S Krishnaswami Aiyangar, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarka
Publisher: Swati Publications
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OCTOBER, 1933]
(Peasant) thar, the back, and several others (cf. Stein and Grierson, Hätim's Tales, lxxix).
Finally, we have seen ($ 275) that anunāsika followed by a sonant class-consonant is interchangeable with the nasal of the class to which the consonant belongs, as in cåd or can, the moon. So, in Pašto, the cerebral n is frequently written ! (i.e., d), and its pronunciation is identical in both cases. We meet the same system of representing the sound in the Kāfir dialects. What one observer hears and writes as », another hears and writes as ?. As examples, I may quote KI. er (i.e., šen), a dog (Av. span.); KI. kuro, for *kuro, (i.e., kuno), an ear (Skr, karna.); B;. r zär., for r zān- (Av. r ran., Skr. jänäli), know. See & 321.
Palatalization and Zetacism.
326. There are frequent examples of this in Dardic, but the subject has been thoroughly worked out only in Kāšmiri. In that language, under the influence of a following palatal vowel, semi-vowel, or mātrā-vowel, the following changes occur - k followed by ü-mātrā, e, or y >c
>ch >; tsh (optional)
> tsh
i, e, or y
To these Kš. pandits add h, which often becomes š when followed by i-mātrā, e, or y, but this is properly a reversion to an original form. The original letter is š (6), which becomes h when not followed by these letters, but remains unchanged when these letters follow it. Thus, Skr. ēkādasi, the eleventh lunar day, Kš. käh, but with u-mātrā added, dat. sg. kāšu. The influence of analogy has brought about the same change when the h is original, as in Skr. Kš. V sah., endure, past part. sgh", fem. sqš“. Examples in order of the other letters are -
Kš. r thak-, be weary ; past part. thals, fem. thacü. Av. r kar-, 'alcah v kar, r car.; Wai. că-st, he did. Cf. GIP. I, ii, 419.
Kš. rlēkh-, write ; past part. lękh", fem. ch. cf. Skr. mukhe; $. muco, before.
Kš. srõge, cheap ; fem. sg. sroja, pl. sroje. Cf. Av. gåv., Šiyni sav; Bš. aie, ašu, V. ie-št, a bull. Cf. GIP. I, ii, 300, 419.
Kš. rlos-, be weary ; logh or lotski, she was weary; löya or löfsh" (for lose) they (fem.) were weary; losov or lotshov (for lõsyov), he was weary.
Ks. rāt, night; sg. dat. ratsü; Ks. tar", hot, latser, heat ; Bx di-kli, V. ktosh, behind. Cf. Šiyni V yatt-, Bš. rats-, come, Kš. ats-, enter.
Kš. wõth", arisen ; fem. võtshü. Kš. ladu, built ; f. sg. lazi. Cf. Skr. duhitar., Gwr. zū, Kh. jūr, kūr, a daughter.
Kš. nan, naked; f. sg. naña; Skr. bhagini, K. befie, a sister; Skr. dhānyam, Kš. dāfie, paddy. Cf. the corresponding change in Ps. Pr.