Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 62
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Charles E A W Oldham, S Krishnaswami Aiyangar, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarka
Publisher: Swati Publications
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[ AUGUST, 1933
As other examples, we may take the H. (Br.) bhej-dayau, he was sent. In coll. Br. this becomes bhed-dayau (LSI. IX, i, 280). Similarly Prs. xarc> Br. khaccu (ib. 307); CPh. nakhro or nakho, bad (IX, iv, 311); and W Ph. böllä, speaking, > bōta in the Pangi dial. (ib. 848). Compounds containing like xare, nakhro, above are specially liable to this change.
rj. H. (Br.) majjau, for mar-jau, die thou (LSI. IX, i, 583).
Musalman G. (LSI. IX. ii. 438) dolla-thi, for dorada-thi, with ropes. Here d becomes, which when doubled becomes ll.
rn. Musalman G. būnnu, for burnu, a door (LSI. IX. ii, 438).
rt. H. (Br.) call, for carat, grazing (LSI. IX, i, 300); mattù, for marat-u, I am dying (293): WPh. (Pangi), kata, for karta, doing (IX, iv, 852).
rd. Br. maddu, for mardu, a man (LSI. IX, i, 76); paddēs, for parades, a foreign country (531): Br. kad-dao, for kar-dao, did (307); CPh. kado, for kardo, doing (LSI. IX, iv, 311 ef. 230)..
rn. Br. mann, for muran, to die (LSI. IX, i, 307); CPh. manu, for maranu, I strike (LSI. IX, iv, 311); in Br. naukúnnu-sü, for naúkaranu-, from servants (LSI. IX, i, 280), the accent has first been changed in the dialectic form of the word to naukúranu-.
rl. CPh. (Grh.) ham mila, for ham marla, we shall strike (LSI. IX, iv, 311); G. (Bhili) may lo, for marlo, dend (LSI. IX, iii, 69).
Br. Thikus-su, for Thakur-sa(hib), Mr. Thakur (LSI. IX, i, 303).
Closely connected with these is the assimilation of ln in Musalman G. gowānni, for yowalani, a herd-maiden (LSI. IX. ii, 438).
308. In Dardic as compared with Skr. or Av. there are many instances of medial consonants being elided, but, on the other hand, many medial consonants are retained which would be syncopated in IAV. As examples of retention, we may quote:
Skr. kṛkanaku; Kl. kakawak, V. kakoku, Bs. kakak, a cock.
Skr. misaka-, a month; V. masek-, the moon.
Skr. mukha-, face; Aš. muk, face: V. ti-mikh, before.
Skr. vantaka, vataka; V. butog, a share.
Skr. dirghn My. liga (through *drigha), long. In Dardic there are (with a few exceptions) no sonant aspirates.
Av. buza, Munjani wuz; Bs. wez-ch, a she-goat.
Av. bata-, a grave, Pahlavi, kat-ak, a house; Kh. xata-n, a house.
Prs. mudar. Šiyni mad: Ș. muli (for midi), a mother.
Skr. rupa- Ş. rūp, Gwr. rup, Ks. rop; but Kl. ruwa, Bs. aru, silver.
Turning now to cases of syncope, we may quote the following as examples. Cf. also apocope (§ 310).
Skr. chagala.; Ks. tshawul, a he-goat.
Av. duysar, Prs. duxtar-, Pašto, lur; Kh. jur, žur; Grw. dui, Bs. Wai. ju, Gwr. zu, Trw. dhu, Kl. chu, a daughter (see also § 304).
Av. azam, Samnani, ā, u; Aš. ai, Kh. awa, Wai. ye, Kl. Gwr. P. Trw. a, Grw. ya,
Skr. Av. pañca-; S. poi, five. See § 283.
Skr. putra-, Av. putra-; V. pie, Trw. po, a son. See § 286.
Skr. catvāraḥ, Av. cabvaro; Grw. cor, Ks. tsör, Gwr. tsur, Paš. S. car; but V. cipu, Aš. teata, Bs. što, Wai. štā, Trw. cau, four.
Prs. madar, Šiyni, mad, My. mhai (for *mahi); but S. mali (see above).
Skr. manuga-; V. muš, S. muša, Kh. moš, Trw. mas, My. maš, Grw. měš, Kl. moch; but Gwr. manus, Wai. manaš, Bs. manci, Ks. mahaniv", a man.
Skr. dinārāḥ, coins; Ks. dyar (pl.), money.
For syncope of r, see §§ 303 ff.
For syncope of v, cf. Bs. kakak, above, and see § 305.
Many other cases will be found classed under apocope. They might also be classed as cases of syncope.