Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 62
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Charles E A W Oldham, S Krishnaswami Aiyangar, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarka
Publisher: Swati Publications
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$ 290 )
(August, 1933
It will be noticed that the change to p is most common in the Kāfir group, and especially in the case of V. So also, in V., v and b standing alone tend to become p. Cf. Bš, ev, V. ip-in, one. Cf. also Shāh bāzgashi padham (bädham).
290. E. Conjuncts containing a sibilant.
(1) Sibilant plus tenuis. In Prakrit, the sibilant is generally assimilated, and the tenuis aspirated (Pr. Gr. $ 301). This occurs only sometimes in Dardic, as in Skr. suska, śuşkala-, Av. huška-, Kš. hokhw, dry; but in Kh. we have cucā, in which sk>c, and in Trw. žugil, it has become g. Again, in Skr. bhāskari, Kš. būs', a kind of almanac, 8k> 8.
8p perhaps > , not pph as in Prakrit, in Skr. puspa- or (?) pusya-, a flower; Kš. poš, Bš, piš, Trw. pašu, but Aš, pasup.1
But sph> sva (so) in Skr. Sphatika-, Kš. sčțhaku, crystal, in which the aspiration has been transferred to the t. Generally, however, initial sph> $. Kš. ph, as in phut-, burst (Skr. v sphut-).
As regards sibilants with dentals, Eranian št and Indian of both generally follow Eranian custom; usually either preserving both conjuncts as st or sl, or else (rarely) weakening the conjunct to kh, x, k. Occasionally, especially in the Dard, or western, group, the Indian change to ()th is observed, but this is rare. Thus:
Av. angušta-, toe; Prs. angust-ar, a finger-ring; Bš,argušti, Wai, agusto, Kh. pulungušt, V. wögix; but Paš, angoc-ek, Grw. (Drd.) angusir, a finger-ring. Cf. Trw. (Drd.) angut, thumb.
Av, ašta-, Skr. asta- ; Bš. Wai. ošt, Kh. ošt, Aš. öst, Kl. Gwr, ašť, Paš, ašt, V. aste, ş. ãs, ast, ait ; Grw.ath, Trw. af, My.äth, Ks. öth (all Dard), eight.
Skr, dreta., seen; Grw. (Drd.) v lith-, see; Kš. dith, Trw. dit- (both Drd.), seen. Av. ustr. ; Bš. štyur, V. i$tiur, Gwr. My. ūx, Wai. ük, a camel.
Skr. ustra. ; Grw. üth, K. wüth, K.Kh, ut, $. ut, Trw. ud (all, except Kh., belonging to the Dard Group), a camel. Possibly all borrowed from India.
Av. paršti-, Prs. pušt, Kurdish pišt, Balõci phut, Skr. prstha- ; Aš. pişti, Gwr. pišți, Kš. pušt, Kl. pišto; Bš. pţi, kļi, Wai, (ya-)pati, $. piļu, phatū, Gwr, Kš. pata, My. pato, Grw. patā, Trw. pat, behind. It will be noticed that the change råt> t already occurs in the Eranian Baloci.
Similarly, st as a rule either remains unchanged or becomes 8t (8t, st). This is sometimes weakened to 4, 8, or h, and may then suffer apocope, but the Indian change to (t)th is raze, and hardly occurs except in the Dard Group. Similarly, str is either preserved, or is weakened to st, ts, 8, etc. With the preservation of st we may compare the Paisāci Prakrit kasata- for kasta., the N.W. Prakrit preservation of intervocalic 8t (Konow, cxi), and Shahbāzgashi preservation of st (samstuta-) and str (striyaka-, istri-).
Av, ast- (GNPE. 81); Kh. asti, bone. Av. zasta-, O.Prs. dasta- ; V. lust, Bš. dušt, dui, Aš, dôst, Wai, došt, hand.
Skr, hasta- ; Gwr, hast, Kh. host, Kl. Paš. häst, Paš. also hās ; (Dard). §. hat, Kš. atha, My, hã, Trw. hat, had, hand.
Av. staora- ; Kh. istor, horse. Skr. vistyta- ; Bx, vištr, Aš, vistară, Paš. vastār, V. wistar, great. Skr. nasta- ; Kš. nast, Paš, näst; (Dard) $. natu, Trw. nat, My. nath-ūr, nose.
Av. star- ; Kh. istāri, BX, rastă (metathesis), V. išti-kh ; (Dard) $. tārü, Kš. tārak-, Grw, tar, Trw. tā, a star.
0. Prs. Wava + sta- (cf. GNPE. 84), or Skr. ut +r stha., Sr. Pr. utthadi; As, r88t Wai. rödt., B. ust-, Kl. Gwr.rušt-; but . My. r uth-, K rwoth-, Paš. ur., arise.