FEBRUARY, 1903.]
I beg you will acquaint the Board, that I paid up the different Establishments and every Expence of the Settlement to the 1st of May which I was enabled to do by receiving Cash from Individuals, for Bills on Government a list of which accompanys this, and as I have yet at balance of Cash in hand I have the pleasure to say that a very small Sum will answer for this Month when every Expence will cease.
I have the honor to be &c.
(Signed) A. Kyd Superintendant Andamans. Fort William 13th May 1796.
Resolved that every expence on account of the Establishment, now withdrawn from the Andamans, shall cease with the close of this Month, and ordered that Major Kyd be Written to accordingly.
1796. - No. X. Fort William 30th May 1796. Read the following letter from the Superintendant at the Andamans. Superintendant at the Andamans 27th May. To G. H. Barlow Esqr., Secretary to Government.
Sir,- I beg you will acqnaint the Honble. the Governor General in Conncil, that in making up the Accounts of the Settlement at the Andamans, to the end of this Month I find that the sum of Sicca Rupees Five Thousand Five Hundred and Twenty five ten Pies (Sicca Rupees 5525.0.10) will enable me to discharge every claim when all expences will cease. I have to request therefore that he will be pleased to direct a Treasury order to be issued to me for that amount when the accounts will be closed and transmitted to the prescribed Offices.
I have the honor to be &c.
(Signed) A. Kyd Superintendant Andamans. Calcutta 27th May 1796.
Resolved that a Treasury order be issued for Sicca Rupees 5625.0.10 in favor of Major Kyd to enable him to close the Accounts of that Settlement,
1796. - No. XI. Fort William 20th June 1796. Secretary Marine Board 7th Juno. G. H. Barlow Esqr.
Secretary to the Government.
Sir, - I have the orders of the Board to forward you for the information of the Governor General in Conncil, the enclosed copy of a letter from Captain A. Carey Commander of the Brig Peggy, engaged as a stationery Vessel at the Andamans.
I am &c.
(Signed) G. Taswell Secretary Marine Board. Fort William 7th Jane 1796.
Enclosure. G. Taswell Esqr.
Sir,- Upon examining my orders from Government, I find they have not appointed a certain period for my staying at the Andaman Station, whether I am to remain longer than the time specified in my orders; Should the Government require the Services of the Brig Peggy longer than six Months from the date of their orders, they must inform mo on [? of it] before the expiration of that