CEYLON. Fol. 38. The Kinge of Golcondah hath severall Ships y trade yearely to ..... Ceylone.
Fol. 77. annually trade to Sea, Some to Ceylone ..The Elephants of Ceylone are best Esteemed of here ... They are bought from y! Dutch (who have in a manner fortified yo Island Ceylone quite round).
Fol. 79. Hee found 5 Saile of Bengala Ships in y! roade newly arrived from Ceylone. See Yule, s. v. Ceylon. [The quotations are useful for spelling.]
CHANE Fol. 91, many of them have y! Shackles on theire arms made of Chanke, great Shell grought from Tutacree ..... the Shell is as bigge or bigger then a man's fist hollow and are Sawed into rings & soe worne by y! people of Orixa and Bengala: Some weare them white (theire Naturall colour) and Others' will have them painted redd, but both are Esteemed highly as a rich Ornament. See Yule, 8. v. Chank. (This is a valuable quotation for description.]
CHEROOT. Fol. 46. The poore sort of Inhabitants viz! y! Gentues Mallabars &c : Smoke theire tobacco After a Very meane, but I ludge Original manner, Onely y! lonfo rowled up, and light one end, holdinge y: Other betweene their lips, and Smoke untill it is soe farre Consumed as to warme theire lips, and then heave y: End away, this is called a bunko, and by y: Portugals a Cheroota. See Yule, 8. v. Cheroot. (This is the earliest known quotation for this word.]
CHICACOLE. Fol. 56. [Coast of Gingalee) of won Chicacol is y most famous for large and stately buildings. Not in Yale.
они сили. Fol. 70. & great Banjan Merchant called Chim Cham: great broker to y: English East India Company . .. Enquired who that was goinge by with such a traine It was answered Chim Cham y: Banjan Merchant .... Ohim Oham Seemed Melancholy ..... Nay Chim Cham : Said y: Nabob: I am now well satisfied as to y report I heard of y!.
Not in Yule. [A famous merchant of the 17th century dealing with Europeans and constantly mentioned in their letters and despatches. The name of the firm was probably Kbêm Chand Chintaman.)
CHINTZ. Fol. 87. Metohlipatam. Affordeth many very good and fine Commodities, viz! ..... divers Sorts of Chint curiously flowred, which doth much represent flowred Sattin, of Carious licely Colours.
Fol. 134. Two of y. Grandees of his Councill must alsoe be Piscashed w 6 pieces of fine Callicoes or Chint each of them ...ffine and course Chint of very small flowes ..... but 20 bailes of Chint and Callicoes is Enough for a yeare for the whole countrey.
Fol. 158. are brought hither (Achin) .... fine Chint of Metchlipatam. See Yule, s. v. Chintz. (N. and E. p. 17, for 22nd April, 1680, has "Chinta.")