Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 32
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 533
________________ INDEX. 508 483 Harbour, Port Cornwallis (1792), 38; description of Prince of Wales's Island, 40 11.;- advantages of Andamang, 42, 43; letters from, 81, 82, 84, 85, 87, 91, 93, 94, 95:- to, 92 ;addition to his allowance sanctioned ... . .. ... ... 194 Kyd (Colonel), vessel built by him .. .. 194 382 ... 437 ... 233 222 annel... ... ence... 19, 20, 24 ... 222 TRA 180 ... ... 481 280 . *** *** .. .240 .. 338 Kulisankuća, Vidyådert ... kulla, winnowing fan, - Singhalese ... 338, 437 Kulu Saraj, Bhida Brahmans... ... 201 Kumara, son of Siva, 284 ; Yakeha ... ... 462 Kumara, king of Kimarapa..., ... 383 n. Kumarajiva, translator... ... Kumarapala, Chaulukya k. ... .. .. 236 kumbald, mason-wasp, - Singhalese... ... 436 kumbuk, the Terminalia tomentosa, - Singha lese ... ... ... .. Kummuka, i, e. Kommagene... ... 288 kumpini = 'company,' on coin 321 Kumråber, vil.... .. . 80 KunAla, son of Asoka ... .. Kundarage seventy district .. Kundaţte, son of Bankèya, q. o. 223 Kundûr five-hundred district ... Kažjarakarņa, a Yaksha - legend .. 111-127 Kuntala... * ** Kunthu, 17th Jina .. ... 482 kuppa måniya, Acalypha indica, - Singhalese ... .. .. 434 Kuppuswåmi Sastri and Subrahmanya Sastri edit the Gadyachintamani ... ... kúra, hairpin, - Singhalese ... .. kurakkon gala, queen, - Singhalese ... ... 338 kirapayia, wallet, -- Singhalese 340 n. Kurma avatdra ... .. .. ... 325 Kurran valley, the Turis of ... ... 100 Kurukh, lang. ... ... ... 451, 45 458 kuruminiya, black beetle, - Singbalese 437 Kurushya = Amôghasiddhi ... ... 121 Kuba or Kushana race ... ... ... 848, 356 Kusamavati, tn. ... ... Kushanas, 343, 349, 382, 383, 386, 420; their rise, 417 and n., 419, 421; -on coins, 419 ; - dynasty, 420, 421, 424; - or Ta Yue-chi, 427; -Later, 428; -- or Turushka. 429 Koshmandini, a Yakshint ... ... .468 Kushran I., Anosbarvan ... ... 893 n. Kushtaspi, a form of Vishtaspa, lord of Kommagene... .. . 288 Kusika = Akshobhya ... • 121 Kusuma, Yaksha .. Kasumagandhavati, wife of Parnavijaya, 118, 119, 122-126 Kosumálam kâra, vihara in Kusumapura ... 346 1. Kusumapura, tn. ... 318, 348, 887 Kusumayudha, I., II., III., and IV. ... 281-284 Kutaita gôtra ... ... ... 282, 286 and n. Kuvera, g. ... ... ... ... 111, 125 Kyaxares ... .. . ... ... ... 289 Kyd (Major), report on the Andamans, 34 f.;- surveys Nancowry harbour, 36; appointed Superintendent of North East 428 Lab&nas, tribe in S.-W. Panjh ... ... 203 Lebdanes, possibly Abdagases, coins of ... 159 La Beaume, his remarks concerning the Andamans (1790), discoveries due to him, 194; bis memorial ... ... ... ... 195 Lacams Channel... ... ... La Oroze (Mat. V.), correspondence... 19, 20, 24 Ladakh, rock-carvings, 361-366; alphabet 363; stone-implements - 389 . Ladakhi stapas, records of their erection ... 862 Lagides ... ... . * lahad (Arabic) - grave niche .. Lahnda lang. ... *** Lahor ... . .. Lakban Mahajan of Sanwar, tradition of ... 313 Lakbere, Shende tribe ... ... lakshana, attributes ... . .. ... 428 Lakshmt, 8., on coins ... ... 314, 320, Lakshmi-worship, 237; -- and Nariyan...238, 239 Lalita-mudra, attitude ... ... . .. 463 LAlunge, tribe in Kbasi and Jaintis bills ... 102 Lamas, isodes of burial, 231; --and alphabets. 363 Lan-cheu, cap. of the Yue-chi, 418 and n.; Pushkalavati ... ... ... ... 422, 423 lischhana or chihno, cognizance ... 481-463 Landock, diamonds from ... ... ... 33 läng, river, Mikir ... ... ... 202 Langk her valley, Mikir spoken in ... ... 102 längpong, bamboo joint, used to hola water ... ... ... 209, 212 langso, Mikir, - a small stream .. 102 languages of India ... ... . .. 245 Lasikha, return of Rama from... ... ... 237 Lao-tzeu, journey into India ... ... 425, 426 Latbêri, Sayyid vil. in Panjab... ... ... 100 Lattalar, an ancient town referred to in Råshtrakata and Ratta records ; mentioned in the Kalas@pur inscription of Govinda IV. 221 Lattanara, = Lattalar, q. o. ... ... .. Lawrence (Lieut.), senior officer of the Snow Cornwallis' . ... ... ... Lebedeft's adventures, 22; Grammar... Leeboard Schooner ... ... . Leh, boulder mortar ... ... ... Lepchas, use the headless alphabet ... ... 368 ... 461 ... 891 be headless alphabet


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