Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 32
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 511
________________ DECEMBER, 1903.) MISCELLANEA. 483 Fartaqui ; ann. 1525 : 6. v. Room, 581, ii. Fath Ullah 'Imad Shah ; 8. v. Madremaluco, Fartaquy; ann. 1525 : 8. v. Sind, 684, ii. 821, i. Farwardin : ann. 1590 : 8. v. Nowroze, 482, i. Fath-Ullah 'Ihmad Shāh; s. v. Madremaluco, Farz ; 8. v. Ferázee, 266, ii. 821, i; ann. 1563 : 8. v. Madremaluco, 821, i. Fasa; ann. 1013: 8. v. Sindābūr, 635, i. Fatiha ; s. v. Talisman, 860, ii. Fasl ; 8. v. Fusly, 274, ii. Fator ; ann. 1666: 8. v. Factor, 263, i. Fazli : 8. v. Fusly, 274 i and ii (5 times). Fatrasiliūn; 8. v. Petersilly, 533, i. Få-sze : 8. v. Bonzo, 79, i. Fattan; ann. 1347: 8. v. Madura, 408, i. Fat; 8. v. Fetish, 267, i. Fatum ; 8. v. Fetish, 267, i, twice. Fatador ; 8. v. Fetish, 207, i. Fatwā ; 8. v. Futwa, 799, i, 8. v. Mnfty, 825, ii. Fatehgarh ; ann. 1880: 8. v. Palempore, 505, i. Fanj; 8. v. Foujdar, 273, i. Fateish ; ann. 1690 ; 8. v. Fetish, 267, ii. Faujdār ; 8. v. Faujdar, 273, i, s. v. Foujdarry, Fatha; 8. v. Pyke, 567, i. Fath-mār; 8. v. Pattamar, 842, i. Fauj-dār; 8. v. Foujdar, 273, i. (To be continued.) 273, ii. MISCELLANEA. OBITUARY NOTICE OF furlough in April, 1898. Ho received his proSIR JAMES MACNABB CAMPBELL, K.C.I.E. motion to be substantive Second Grade Com. A LARGE circle of friende, both in Europe and missioner in February, 1900, while he was still on in India, will have heard, with more than furlough. And, without returning to India, be ordinary sorrow, of the death of Sir James retired from the Service very shortly afterwarde. Macnabb Campbell, K.C.L.E., on the 26th He was appointed & Companion of the Indian May last, at his residence, Achnashie, Roaneath, Empire in January, 1885, and a Knight ComNB. mander of the same Order in June, 1897. Sir James Campbell was a son of the late Such, in brief outline, were the chief features Rev. J. M. Campbell, D.D. He was educated at of his or linury official career. The great work Glasgow, at the Academy and the University; of his life, however, was done in cunnection with and his attainments as a scholar were, in the the oficial Gazetteer of the Bombay Presidency. course of time, duly recognised by his Univer- He was appointed Compiler of the Gazetteer in sity, in conferring upon him the degree of D.O.L. June, 1873. And he held that office until He) entered the Indian Civil Service in 1869, August, 1894, discharging during part of that and was posted to the Bombay Presidency. He period the duties of some additional offices also, served, in the ordinary course, as an Assistant as indicated above. His formal appointment as Collector and Magistrate, in the Khandesh and Compiler of the Gazetteer then came to an end. Kulaba districts and at Bombay, from 1870 to But he still retained the general superintendence 1873. For some months in 1877, he was on of the compilation. And, with the exception of famine duty in the Bijapur district, -the Kaladgi Vol. VII., Baroda, and Vol. VIII., Kathiawar, all district, as it was then called. In 1880, he acted the volumes of the series were written and issued, for a time as Municipal Commissioner of Bom- between 1877 and 1901, and for the most part bay, and 18 Under-Secretary to Government in before the end of 1886, under his direction and the Pulitical, Judicial, and Educational Depart- auspices, as shewn by bis signature below the ments. In 1881, he attained the rank of Collector introductory note to each of them. It is difficult and District Magistrate, in which capacity, for to know which to admire most; the monumental the most part, he served until 1897, excepting character of the work, which consists of twentyduring three periods of absence from India on six large volumes, comprising altogether thirtyfurlough, at Bombay itself, and in the Panch- four parte, of which each is a separate book Mahals with the additional duties of Political by itself, contnining an enormous amonnt of Agent for the Rewa-Kantha State. In 1895 and information of the most varied and useful kind ; 1897, he officiated as Commissioner of Customs, or the unremitting energy, and the great tact, Salt, Opium, and Abkari. And finally, in July, with which Sir James Campbell played his part 1897, in succession to Major-General Sir William in connection with it. Great taet was necessary; Gatacre, K.C.B., he became Chairman of the becase much of the matter included in these Bombay Plague Committee. He left India on I volumes had necessarily to be prepared, sabject Reprinted from the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1908, PP. 651-654.


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