Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 32
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 516
________________ 486 akshata, sacred rice Akshôbhya, a Buddha Akulêévara vishaya, the territory round 55, 56 ... Al-Bekri Alcoran, the Qorán Alexander the Great Al-Huzza, Arab idol Ali, Khalifa alif-Arabic -on coins A-li-na, a Nagaraja aliya, elephant, Singhalese... Allahâbâd... ... Ankleshwar, q. v. alattu ammas, 12 women at the Kataragama festival ... ... *** ... *** ... ... ... 311 393 n. ..239 232, 259, 289, 467 130 n. .. 261 322 ... 385, 386 435 181 130 n. 27 393 378 435 ... *** *** ... Allat, Arab idol alligator Almagah, South Arabian god - alop, disappearance alukobeyya, spotted dove, Singhalese Alut: Sal Mangalya, festival of new rice, Singhalese ... Alut Takinni, g.... Alwa in Broach; ancient Araluam ... Amarapura, o. in Burma ambalama, halting-place, Singhalese Ambika, g., mother of Kumara, 284; shipi Ambrose (St.) quoted ... *** ... 463 9, 12, 15 296 ... ... ... Ameretat and Haurvatat, Iranian Amesha Spentas of Iran... 292, 293 n., 298, 416 n. Amina, mother of Muhammad 394 Amitabha, a Buddha... 111, 121 Ammas (seven), g,- Singhalese 433 Amm Hares, a teacher.... 258 Ammianus Marcellinus... 431 Amôghasiddhi, a Buddha 111, 121 Amôghavaraha I. (Rashtrakuta), and his governor Bankêyarasa, 221, 222, 223; mentioned by the biruda of Viranarayana, 228; indications of a rebellion by one of his sons Amrita 459 111, 121 *** anaméstraya, a portico, - Singhalese Ananta, 14th Jina www ... ... ... 311 ... 810 56, 57 416 336 ... INDEX. Yak ... *** ... 223 ... 296 Anantamati, Yakshini Anbir rock in Pandrân, Baluchistan, caveburial... ancestor-worship... Andaman Islands, 34 ff.; Major Kyd's report of 1795, a port of refitment for fleets, 34; Blair's survey, harbours, 35; settlement at Port Cornwallis, 36; position, Great Andaman, 36; Little Andaman, soil, &c., 37; excessive rainfall, sourvy and fever, 38; ... 338 ... 462 462 ... 342 377 timber and products, 39; the natives not cannibals, Port Cornwallis, 39, 40; position as a naval arsenal, climate, &c., difficulty of obtaining labour, 42, 43; islands, 81 ff.; convicts, sickness, 83; state of the settlement, 85; health, 86; sickness, 87-89; transfer to Prince of Wales Island, 90; right of possession, 91; withdrawal of settlement, 94; the Peggy' stationed at, 136 f.; new settlement, 193; life convicts, 194; withdrawal of settlement, 194; opposite to Pegu. 195 Andhrabhritya dynasty ... 180 andongs, plants ... 113, 123 Andraghira, Androgeero, Indragiri, in Sumatra ... 27 Andrapolis Sandaruk, 6; Gutschmid's theory ... 158 Androgeero, Andraghira, Indragiri in Su matra www *** ... .. ... ... ... Anglo-Indian terms from a 17th Century MS. 25-34, 366-375, 465-470 Anjana, k. of Dewaha: era begun by him, 228, 232 Ankas, Yakshini 462 Ankleshwar in Broach, mentioned as Akulêévara and Akrárêávara, 56; the period when the territory round it was formed into a vishaya... Annaprálana, Jaina ceremony... antarátman, breath ... 56 460 115, 116, 120 antaravdsaka, tunic ... 428 Antar-Narmada vishaya, the territory on both sides of the lower part of the Narbada Antimakhos, k. 431 Antiokhos IV. Epiphanės, k. ...431 antyakarman or prétákarman, Jaina ceremony Anuradhapura, c. 56 460 341 Anzan, Ansan, dist. of Elam ... 289 and n. Apabhramáa or Saurasêna, dialect... apam-napat = fire Aparajita, Yakshini 185 ... 295 Apocryphal Gospels, Acts and Revelations... Apollo, on coins... Apollodotus, k. ... Apostolical Constitutions 462 2 ... 430 430 ... 148 Apunarbhava, or Aéartra, Jaina order ...464 Ara, 18th Jina ...462 Arabia, political condition at the end of the 6th century, 392; religious... arack= arrack, liquor... Arackan = Arakan, 27: oowries... Arakhosia, Sakastêne ... Aral Sea ... Araluam, Alwa in Broach... *** ... ... *** ... 27 ... 393 ... 28 ... 373 ... 429 ... 285 56, 57


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