Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 32
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 491
________________ DECEMBER, 1908.] song ANGLO-INDIAN TERMS. 467 Fol. 39. Anno Dom: 1672 I stroke down to Pettipoloe in a journey I tooko Overland ffrom 8' Georg's to Metchlipatam. Nut in Yule. [It means the town and fort of Madras. Madras is still in official documonta "Fort St George."] GALLE, POINT DE. Fol. 39. Such as they in Point de Gals or Queda doe bringe them on board On. Fol. 77. They are bought (from Ceylone) from y! Dutch. Gala, See Yule, 6. v. Gallo, Point do. [The quotations are valuable for the history of this obecure word.) GALLEVAT. Pol. 64. the Arackan Kinge Sends a parcell of Gylyars vis! Gallys well fitted and manned w Arackaners and ffrangues. Fol. 92. y. Natiues mach dreadinge to dwell there beinge timerous of the Arackaners web theire Gylyars. See Yule, &. v. Gallevat. The text is exceedingly interesting for the history of the word and proves its identity with the galley and also with the Bengali form jalia. See ante, Vol. XXIX, p. 408.] GANGEB. Fol. 61. first for y! great River of Ganges : and yo many large and faire arms thereof. Fol. 64. Hee fled to a Small Villadge Seated upon the banks of Ganges. Fol. 68. y water of y: Rider [of Dacca] beinge an arme of the Ganges is Extraordinary good. Fol. 73. up y Biuer of Ganges as high as Dacca. Fol. 74. This Kingdome of Bengals... is replenished with many faire and pleasant Riuers, the most famous and much admired of weh is y! great Riuer Ganges. Fol. 75. the great rains.... as high as South Tartaria, wop is mountanions and raineth there for a quarter of a yeare togeather and rusheth downe y: Ganges and arms thereof. Fol. 76. But most of the trouble might Easily have been avoided if our Ganges Pilot had been any way ingendous. Fol. 86. many of them (Orixas) resort to the Creeks and Rivolets at or about y: Entrance into y! Ganges. Fol. 87. theire Souls Shall Enter into the bodies of good creatores (in Paradise) that dye with theire bodies well filled wtb yo holy water of the Ganges: or any of y arms thereof, or y! dye upon the banks thereof, for they accompt y mudde to be Sanctified as well as y! Water. Fol. 87. The River Ganges (and it's branches) is held in soe great adoration by these ignorant heathens, that they make many Sacrifices thereto. Pol. 91. certain it is y! this is y! great Biner Ganges y! Alexander y! great Sailed downe in time of his great conquests in Asia de: Fol. 92. fformerly, yes not many years agoe, y: Inhabitants on y Northerne parts of Bengala ; trained up their Children ...... Sent them apon travaile to discover y: greet Ganges : to find out the garden of Eden : (by order of theire Kings).


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