The N. T. is in the press in the following languages :-Kurnata (no more to be printed - to be transferred to the Madras Society), Nepal, Harotee, Marwar, Bhughulkund, Oojein, Jamboo (probably a misprint for Jumboo or Dogara'], Kanoaj, Khassee, Khoshul, Bhutaneer, Dogara or Palpa (probably 'Dogara' is wrongly inserted here - see Jamboo, above), Magudha, Kamnoon, Gudwal [i, e., Gaph wall], Mani-poora.
A paper factory has been started. After experiments lasting for twelve years paper equally impervious to the worm with English paper, and of a firmer texture, though inferior in colour, is now made of materials the growth of India.' A coloured map of the languages of India is given (800 Ninth Memoir).
Eighth Memoir. Dated December, 1821. Bengalee. A second and revised edition of the O. T. in the press. Sangskrita. The second edition is still in the press.
Hindee. The Gospels in Chamberlain's translation issued. Work temporarily stopped owing to Chamberlain falling ill and having to go home.
Orissa. The revised edition of the N. T. nearly finished. Mahratta. The second edition of the N. T. nearly ready. Chinese. 0. T. will be completed in three months.
Sikh. Hagiographa issued. Prophetic books in the press. This will complete the whole Bible.
Affghan. Pentateuch completed. Telinga. Pentateuch completed. Kunkun. Completed. Assam. 0. T. isgned.
Kashmere. N. T. issued. 0. T. in the press. A new fount of type on a reduced scale has been made.
Nepal. N, T, completed. Harotee. Marwar. Bhagulkhund. Ditto. Kanoje. Ditto.
N. T. is still in the press in the following languages :- Kurnata, Oojein, Jumboo, Khassee, Munipoora, Bhutnere, Magad [Magudha in last Memoir], Palpa, Shreenagore [s. e., Gashwali, the Gudwal of the last Memoir) and Kumaoon.
Ninth Memoir. Dated December 81, 1822. Karnata. Printing all but finished.
Hindee. The edition of Chamberlain's translation in the Kythee' character is half completed. Chamberlain's death is a heavy loss.
Chinese. Printing finished in April 1822. Pushtoo or Affghan. Historical books begun.
Other versions are being printed, but, owing to the exhausted state of the funds, the progress is alow.
Ditto. Ditto.