[JULY, 1903.
Firth Plate; second side. 70 raņa Donamayyura me lovajulako 71 luku Bhima naku sasana jukanda 72 rivi nanatka salata na bunu 73 ri ru Vațți lå (? a) dų pnţtuva (?)da 74 vadu pațţa râjamânam=i75 chche [11]
TRANSLATION Hail 24 the family of the Madugonda-Chalukyas are glorious, belonging to the gôtra of the Mânavyas praised through all the world; who have acquired sovereignty by the excellent favour of Kausiki; who have been cherished by the assembly of the Mothers; who meditate on the feet of Svâmi-Mabâsêna; who have the territories of their foes made subject to them instantly at the sight of the excellent sign of the Boar, which they acquired through the favour of the holy Narayana ; ani who purified their bodies by ceremonial bathings after aśvamêlhas. Ready to adorn this family, the younger brother of Kokiraja, living at Mudugonduru, after subduing the earth protected it, (himself) subject to the behest of none. (L. 12) After winning from Chiyyaraja his captured Garuda-banner and his Vêtâla-banner mighty as Råvaņa, he thus announced to him : - My brother Kokirkja, flourishing, victorious, irresistible to bis foes, bearing the insignia of royalty of an irresistible throne, has become the guardian of the whole world, now that he has weeded it of his enemies. Polakósi too declared to his brethren in the presence of his vassals that they were to support the encircling diadem of his sons and grandsons.
(L. 20) In his lineage appeared a very Râma in battles called Ranamarda, whose daughter the fair race of the Chalukyas cherishes in their heart and as a family-goddess. He came to the delightful region of Mamohikonda, to Kondapalli, untraversed by wheels, 27 and in his turu enjoyed the fortune of the town to which then and there a new proclamation was granted.
(L. 26) Kokirkja, when he had conquered his foes and brought their sons low, was the chief of kings. His son was Kusumayudha (1.), whose son was Bijayita. His son was Kusumayudha (II.), a refuge to the lowly; his son was Vijayaditya; and his, Kusumayudha (III.). His father was Malbaduraja, whose youngest brother was Lábhachafaka. His eldest brother was named Nijjiyaraja, a hero who bore the burden of the world. Kamadeva the bodiless god when he beheld his form felt himself put to shame, I trow. That monarch had as a son by (his consort) Achidovi the present Kusamayudha (IV.), fierce in battle, renowned in two races, just as Lord Siva begot on Ambika Kumâra. The moon is beauteous, and blameless her radiance; yet she follows Dot especially king Kusnmayudha; for he bas fair glory undimmed for ever, in one fortnight even as in the other.
(L. 41) This Kusumayudha (IV.), the great lord of high brahman lineage, hereby summons the inhabitants of the district of Mamchikonda, headed by the Ráshtrakaļas, being householders, and thus orders them : - Be it known to you that I have given to the brahman Doreya of the Kutsita 3 gôtra, wbo has reached the furthest shore of....., the village called Mogaluchuruvulu on the occasion of the winter solstice and have. hereby freed it of all taxes." [Boundaries specified ; and followed by epic verses of imprecation. The boundaries are: E. Mannashaka; S. E. Krovveru°; 8. Koravio; S. W. Otailu (1); W. Luvru ; N. W. Palúmru°: N. the hill Tividi; N. E. Návulametta.]
# See Vol. VII. 17 above, where the exordium is the same. * It would be tempting to read Ayodhya(-ka), 'throne of Oude,' and thus got a pun instead of tautology. 36 The phrase contains a curious mixture of oratio obliqua and directa. 17 Or, if we read avakrams for achakram, straight to Kondapalli.' * So the Sanskrit ; but son must apparently be meant ; le Malbadu-raja be a title of Vijayaditya. - Not know Ma gôtra-Dame: but doubtless a connection with the rishi Kutsa is intended.