29 dran. pahi.grogs.kyis .bskor.bana
bag.yod . par67. ni gnashgyur.tel sā68. lahi -sin .lahkhrice.sin.bin
bzan . podpal.gyis .hkhyud. par. hgyur. 30 | khyod .kyis . hom70.pa . bden. pa daúl
khyad . par.in.la .sbyin. pa dan dran. dan. bral. bashdod .pa .dbye chad.pas.gan.duhan. bcad.mi.bgyi
29.- Surrounded by loving friends and being
constant in watchfulness, be embraced by a noblu kreatness like the creepers
on the Sāla tree. 30. - Give to those who are mild, true, and
superior: the performance of what is desired by the unfriendly is not, even where a promise has been made, to be
carried out.71 31. — Those who contend in wrongful strife,
those who look meanly on the poor, 74 those who delight. pot in the noble, those who violate their vows of
penitence,75 32. - These four undesirable 78 indulge their
frolios: with every, care see that they abide not even in your mountry.
31 J log72. pas.hthab.bcugs. byed.pa dan
| bkren.ladman73. par. Ita . badan
tshul. khrims. Idanrnams. midgah dan |dkab thub.sdom .pa •hkhrul. byed •pa |
32 | bži.pohdi . dag.hdod.min.tel
rtse76 .ba . hdzoms77.par.bgyid.p. lags rab.brtaon.khyod . kyi.yu) nani
Ide dag .gtan .ms .mchis.par.mdzod 38 stobs.dan Idan,.pa7e.stobs.chun.ba
Ignad.chongyis .ni .mi.gnad. dan mchod .hos .rnams.kyis. mi. mchod. dan
smos. hdrigao . kyis.ni.mi. ses.pa! 34 Igau.yau raj.ba81.gan.gis.kyan
brfias.pa. med. par82. khyod . kyis.mdzod tha .sñad.rnams. ni. dag.pa .yis
| kun. la.hdris .bar.gzigs .Bu.gsol 35 kun.gyis . raj.gi.chos.theb84.cin
chos. kyis.thams.cad. htsho.bar.mdzod mi.sdug.kyan ni . ñes.med.na thams.cad.bde. bar.mdzad.du.geol
33. - By the strong the weak, by those of great
capacity the incapable, by the honoured those without honour, by the learned
the ignorant, 84.- Any man by any man, suffer not to be
contemned. Ever grant inquiry by persons of integrity into disputes.
36 I pha.yi86. bu • laji. Ita . bar
| khyod . kyishkhor.la.byams.bgyis na | buyis . pha laji. Ita .bar
khyod .la .za • hbrip.dgah. bar.bgyi88 37 Ipbal.nams.ran.bžin. bzan.na.nil
khyod .kyis87.dgons.pa .bžinda.hgyur I phal.rnams.ran.bžin. nan. nani | khyod .kyis99. dgons .pa .bin.mi.hgyur
35. -- While every man supports his own
religion, make all to live according to their religion. Make happy all, even disagreeable persons if free from
offence. 36. - While, like a father to his sons, you shall
have shown kindness to your dependants, like sons to their father, your servants
will give you joy. 87. - When the people are naturally good, they
will be conformable to your mind : when the people are naturally bad, they will not be subservient to your will.
67 pas 33.
65 a 33.
hkhrid 33. 70 beam 33. Both perhaps akin to hjam. Or does bxom represent Sk, dānta? 12 leg 33.
15 sman 33. * ? those of mean and low views.'
75 p 'lead astray the penitent.' 10 rtsa 33.
17 hjoms 33. 9 pas 33.
#hdis 33. #1 la 33.
82 pa 33, $3 hgra 33.
# thob 33. theb 94. 85 yio 33.
#bgyid 33. 37 kwi 28