Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 32
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 375
________________ SRPTEMBER, 1903.) MATRIOETA AND THE MAHARAJAKANIKALEKHA. 359 72 hi. 72.- Grief being thus experienced by whoso deto.üid . kyis50 .ni desires it not, what wise man would Imkhas pa . Itar | even in word (or wrath), like a smith,63 . lani.yan.sreg.bžin as it were inflame it? 78 | khyod .ni .srog geod.midgyessin 73. - If you, delighting not in taking life, turn srog .gcod. dgyes. las phyir. logb. na away from those who so delight, will the - hgyur king's state become impaired ? What lugs hdi .ci .zig. manner of thing is this? say. 74 mtsiou chahi-thabs. la .mkhaskhyod. 74. -Since by you, skilled in the use of arms, kyis practice may be found in battle, why do Igyul.worsrol-gtod57.mthon . lags. na deeds of harm to the wild creatures As gian.du.khyod .la well as to yourself ?58 ci slad.gnod. pahi. las rams. mdzad| 78 ri.dragsgion •nuhi. spyan . lambo, khyod | 75. - When you, who have the eyes of a young spyan dan hdra. bahieri. dags.mnams deer, 61 behold the wild creatures, with rtabgao.nas.rig rig Itaba la like eyes,63 looking hither and thither ciyi in fright, how is your heart not filled with compassion? 76 | khyod .kyispyan.dan.mig.hdrahi. 76. - Wherefore do you not take pleasure in phyir causing joy to the wild creatores also. Ikhyod. which by their likeness of eye and ri dags. 28. pupi) are a joy to you? | khyod ni ajiltar.dgyesmi.mdzad 77 llog.par. lhuis. dai spyan • hdra •dan 77. - The fact of their fallen state, their like ngon • med •yul • na • nas •p4 •ũid| eyes,67 and their defenoeless situation ni. ridvags.dag! should be a reason for not killing the mi.bgumg05 .pa wild creatures, even singly. 78 | uni ornams • la • ni• mudzad.pabas 78.- Enough of what is done to mankind ! sdug.bshallhag.par. .yi68 When you consider their greater sofferidud.hgro.mams. la .ches. Ihay. par ing, you ought far more to act with Ik hyod .kyisco.thugs.rjes70. mdzad .du. compassion towards the inferior creagsol tures, 79 khyod - 79. - In this matter of saving yourself there is bdag.gis72. .sbyar.mi.htshall no need for me to supplicate : when rgyud.gzan.gsol.bas.gus.bgyis par # request has been made on behalf of | legs. par. thugs.tshod .man , lags. others, there is much wisdom in respectgran? ing it, consider. co.nas.bzun75.ste.bslab - 80. - With chiding78 should instruction begin,' lugsu.grags so after the rule of the good it has been de Itar. lags.pas.rgyal.po. la declared. That being so, to the king as | basdug. bż • lags to a dear child a request is made. 50 kyi 33. 61 dgah 94. 52 bareg 33. 58 Reading mgar with 83. Idog 33 par 33. gris must be imperative=gon, f. v. 66. 6 spyod 33. T dod 91 and 33. Agroindukhyodla = anyatra tvay. e mdal 83. stabs 33 1 Or coming in sight of the young animals'? sa spyan. ? 6 ci •ltar to be road for je-ltar? But perhaps ji-ltar is not seldom so used. Itu 33. gug 83, read Agum rarba 33. spyandra ? = vyandra ? yis 33. kyi 33. 0 nje 85. 11 buruh 83. 19 gi 30. mnah 33. ** gan 33. *6 gaun 33. Is spyad or mpyas the reading of the text ? " dom 38. 17 kyis 33. To co nas?


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