[AUGUST, 1903.
Cotton. - The Sangwan JAts, who hold 57 vil- butter-milk, Ghi is held sacred until the feast of lages in Dadri, may not cultivate cotton. One of the ThAkurs arrives, when some of it is presented the tribe in a quarrel killed a Brahman named to Raja Bhêr. It may then be nood or given Bandot (baş is here said to mean literally
cotton'), and in consequence met with misfor. tune. He accordingly erected a temple at Mahra The Manhas keep milk untouched for not more to Bandbotâ and forbade his descendants to than 8 days. Then they warm it and it may be cultivate cotton for ever.
used by the household, but none of it must be
given away to strangers or to other members of the The Datt section of the Muhitl (Brahmans) do caste. Ghi must not be eaten or given away until not cultivate cotton because their ancestor was the feast of the ThAkurs. Or, according to another killed in a cotton-field. .
account, the Månbas keep milk for 21 days like the
Jamwals or even for a month, and do not use! Blankets. - The Bbullar J&ts do not wear, sit or
it antil it has been presented to Raja Bhér. sleep in a striped blanket, because their jatherd,
Among Muhammadan Aw&ns the Jhan muhi Yar Pir BbArawAlA, once miraculously turned
keep milk, whey and ghs untouched for 8 days. a blanket into a sheep.
Then they make a smooth place of cow-dung,
build a little altar, place a little milk and ghf Animale. - In Kohat a white fowl sbould not
thereon, light lampe, and the women worship be eaten, as the mullahs say it resembles the
before it. This is also done with milk drawn on sacred bird in heaven, but it first blackened with
Friday. soot it may be eaten. Milk. There are numerous tabus, mostly
In Jhilam a cow is set apart by a Hindu family very interesting, but until a complete collection is in a time of calamity and a vow made in the name obtained it is useless to attempt to explain them. of a deity that her milk shall never be used for Goat's milk may not be used by any Hindu during
making batter. Such a cow is called did. the shrddh period. (Ludhiana District.)
Monthe. - Sawan. - A goat is given away. In the Simla Hills a diota often forbids the nee | Bhddon. - A call born in this month is given by or sale of milk or curda The people may naa nhal well-to-do Hindus and Muhammadans to a Dakaut (or curds from which butter has been extracted),
Brahman or to a Bhat. The milk is not used. but not milk or butter.
Mágh. - A buffalo-calf born in this month is so
treated. Phagan, - This is a lucky month, yet Milk may not be churned by Jata on the Tues- the Kakkar Khatris neither wash, shave nor day and Thursday after the full moon, or on the change their clothes, or begin any new business chaudas, 14th, of the light half of the month, but in Ph&gan. it may be consumed with rice or otherwise. (Ludhiana District.)
Days. - Tuesday. - The Bali Muhill (Brah
maps) will not commence a journey or any work In Sialkot the Brahmans keep the milk sacred on this day, because a girl of this section died (suchi rakhna) for 21 days. Then it is made into after exhibiting miraculous powers on a Tuesday. butter-milk, and a portion offered to Raja Bher Thursday. - The Datt Mubill have a similar at the least of the Thakurs, the rest being oon- rule about Thursday, because many of them were sumed by the household or given away to Mubam. massacred by the Pathans or rulers of Lahore in madans. Or a portion is offered to Kalka Deota. the time of BAbar on that day at Paniar in GurThe use of the milk appears to be tabued for dAepur. Further, no Datt will ever drink water a period, not exceeding 21 days, until the feast of in Panier. the Thakurs comes round. The Jamwal also refrain from touching the milk for 21 days, and will even
H. A. Rose, not milk the animal themselves. It is not consumed or given away for a month. Curdled milk is also
Supdt. of Ethnography, Punjab. kept sacred for a short time and then turned into July 24th, 1909.
1 Raj Badr d4 Adr karnd is the Dogri expression.
+ Nara - 8. M. The first milk given by cow or buffalo attor calving, boostings. Hindas do not drink it until 3 days after calving, but Muhammadans do from the first." (Mulini Glossary.) In the hilla beatinge (ahri) are offered to the Nage.