[JUNE, 1903.
when chhanchhan burns, all calamities are Soran, v. a.-(1) To ask aid of saint or averted." Hindas repeat these words as they spiritual adviser; (2) to add fuel to . fire. place the lampe as offerings.
Ganesh, 8. m. - The share of cominercial Chelri, s. f. A woman possessed by a jin, or enterprise, or of the barvest, which is given to the evil spirit. Women bo afflicted repair to certain Brahmans. It is given from the harvest by both religious shrines, - Jalalpur in Multan, Shahr Muhammadans and Hindus. Sultan in Muzaffargarh, Uch in Bahawalpur, Pir Katal in Dera Ghazi Khan, -to have the evil Nirgun, worshipper of God, as opposed spirita cast out. The patients sit together, bare- to burgun, a worshipper of images. (NOF 17 headed, on the ground, and sway about their dictionaries.) arms and bodies to the beating of a drum. An attendent of the shrine goos round beating them
Remarks. with a whip, while another gives them soented oil (phulel), on their heads, and to drink. The
1. The ordinary dictionaries are practically performance ends by the exhausted women being
waelens in this connection. dragged away by their relations. Cholri is the feminine diminutive of chela, disciple. 1 2. The difference in meaning between chelri
and chela will be noted. Has chelri any other Rakhri, s. f. -(Literally, a little protectrix,
meaning P We mny compare Jogni, which, from "rakhan," to keep or guard.) A protecting
though apparently the feminine of Jogi, seems to amulet. The incumbents of Muhummadan
have acquired at least one very different meaning. shrines sell to pilgrims scraps of paper, with the
What are the meanings of Jogni ? name of God or a text written on them, which are inserted in wooden lockets and tied round the 1 3. Apatarak, Avatari, seem clearly derived necke of cattle to protect them from harm. from avatar. A connected word in Gurgaon) is Skeins of cotton or woollen threads are similarly! apagaun, transmigration. Any other connected wold at shrines and worn by pilgrimne round the words might be noted together with their various neck. Hindus also buy skeins of thread from meaninge Brahmans and wear the round the wriste. All such amulets are called Rakhri.
4. It is of special importance to note all the
words for life,' soul,'' spirit,' etc., with all their Rangin, s, f.- (1) The vesseel in which cloth is
seel in which cloth 18 meanings.
meanings. dyed ; () a bath of heated sand. At the shrine of Pir Jahanian in the Muzaffargarh district people 5. Terms like panth, phirka (P sect), dhune, suffering from leprosy or boils get the incumbent to maf (P order), gachha, gana (P), amani (Pashto), prepare baths of heated sand in which the diseased etc., have bitherto been translated at random. part or the whole body is placed. The efficacy of A complete list of all the words denoting a relithe remedy is ascribed to the saints
gious sect, order, or school is wanted, with a
precise definition of each. Sami, s. 1.-The niche or shell in the western side of a Muhammadan's grave. The corpoe lies 6. Words for religious offerings, rites, spells, in the Sami with its head towards the north and charms, spiritual beings, - in short, all words its face to the west. Hindustanis and Panjabis connected with religion and popular beliefs use the Arabic "lahad" for a grave-niche. might be included.
Sava, adj. - Green, grey. The feminino form 7. I should be glad to receive lists of savi is euphemistically used by Muhammadans for religious terms, with such notes on each word as bhang. Hindus, also avoiding the name bhang, can be conveniently sent on the lines of those call it skha, the pleasuruble. (The Jogis call quoted above from the Multani Glonary. bhang, bijia or Shinji-ki-buti, and charas they call suta. These various names for hemp are of
H. A. ROBE; interest and a complete list is wanted.] Baga, s. m.- A thread or rag given by spiritual
Superintendent of Ethnography, Punjab. advisers to disciples as a charm against evil. They exact a price for each.
July 21st, 1902.