APRIL, 1903.)
support may be limitted to a small but well appointed Establishment. Sufficient ground only should be cleared for the cultivation of Rice, Froit, and Vegetables for the subsistence of the Settlers, and occasional Refreshment of the Sick of the Navy - there being so much high Gronnd we may reasonably expect pasturage would flourish exceedingly, and that Cattle, and Sheep, would thrive and increase, and might be kept up at a small expence, if purchased on the Coast of Arracan, for the use of the Fleet, an Hospital night be constructed for the Navy, sheds for the accommodation of their own Artificers and Workmen, while employed on their temporary repairs. The few Artificers of the Settlement, and every assistance it afforded wonld be given up to them for the time being. If ro conducted, the expence cannot be great, and the Harbour may prove advantagions to the Company as affording temporary Relief and assistance to a Maratime force in case of Warfare, and this I conceive to have been their Original Object in conntenancing the Marine Surveys some years back. It remains with them to decide, and before they do so, I sincerely hope, as an Officer much attached to his duty, and their Service, that they will maturely consider the Plans that have been sent home.
MISCELLANEA. TRACES OF TOTEMISM IN THE PANJAB. knife; and Bert, from bér, a tree. The Béri will
not eat the fruit of the bér (in T. Dipálpar :
but in T. Gugêrt this is said, however, not to be The question whether totemiam can be said to
the case). have left any traces in the Panjab is not an easy. one to answer. There are many names of tribes Further, in Gujrat, the following sections are or sections of tribes which denote animals,
noted: etc., but these may be mere nick names. How
Pahri, panther. | Mobia, pestle. ever, it will be best to first give a list of such
Channan, sandal-Khajari, date-palm. names and then discuss their possible origin.
Amb, mango. Brahmans.-In Kângrå there is a Någ or Haran, deer. Lasuri, lasará tree. Snake' section among the Nagarkotik Brah- Ași, saw.
Billå or Billi, cat. mans, who rank highest of all, as well as among
Arosas.--The section-names of this important the Batêbrå, a lower group, who have sections caste require to be fully investigated, as they are called :-(i) Kharappå (or cobra) Någ, a section
full of interest. I note the localities in which of the Pakkå or First grade Batêhra. (ii) Ghôsla each is so far known to be found : (a species of fish or P grass-snake) Någ, in the
Kokar, cock, in Montgomery, Multan and Kachchha or Second grade. Pundrik is, it
Hissar. appears, also a anake section of the Nagarkotia. These snake sections are said to reverence
Kukricha, cock, Dera Ismail Khan. the snake after which they are named and Gider, jackal, Dera Ismail Khan and Multan, not to kill or injure it.
Ghöri, horse, Dera Ismail-Khan. The Bartra (sometimes called BbAts) are a Nangial, snake, Dera Ismail Khan; Nangpal, Gaddi (hill-shepherd tribes) group, and hold the Multan; Nag-pal, Montgomery. same position among the Gaddis, as Brahmana do
Nangra is also given, but no meaning is among Hindus. The name seems to be connected
assigned. with barárt, a thorny shrub.
Sipra, a serpent. In Hissar there is a section of Brahmans, called
Ghiri, dove, Montgomery and Multan... Bhedas or sheep. This is interesting, because on
Gerk, in Dera Ismail Khan, said to avoid the the Satluj, at least in Kulu Saraj, there is a small caste called Bheda, who are hereditary victims in
use of gerd, ochre. the sacrificial riding of a rope down the cliffs to
Jandwant, jind tree, Dera Ismail Khan. the river. Further details regarding the Bhede Selani(3), pipal tree, Dera Ismail Khan. Brahmans would be of great interest.
OhAwald, rice, Dera Ismail Khan. Khatris. We find among these Danthal, a Mehndirattå, henna, Montgomery and kind of weapon ; Handa, a vessel ; Chhork, a large Multan.