Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 50
________________ 38 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. FEBRUARY, 1883. man who sells bows." They did not approve of having afterwards gone in person, Teb-tengri his wares, whereupon he replied, "Although my with his brothers surrounded him, and said, bows are not pretty, try to draw the string of "How did you dare to send men to take our people one." Belgetei took one, and tried to bend it, and from us?" They were going to beat him, when attach the string, but he could not, whereupon Ochigin, growing afraid, said he ought not to the old man did it for him, and then handed have sent them, upon which they replied, -- it to Khazar, but Khazar could not draw it. " As you are guilty you must ask forgiveness The hoary old man, who was seated on a light from us." They accordingly made him crawl grey horse, thereupon put his arrow (Altan-to- out backwards on his hands and knees. Next khok) to the string, and shot so that it penetrated morning, before Chinghiz rose, Ochigin entered into a cliff, saying, "Are you not brothers his tent, knelt down, and related how he had of the Bogdo Erdeni, Khazar the famous archer been treated, and wept. Chinghiz did not speak, and Belgetei the strong. The proverb says it but his wife Bortieujin, sitting up in bed and is better to fill the mouth full than to try and covering her breasts with the clothes, broke speak from a great height." He then dis- into tears and said, "What does this mean? appeared, and the brothers who were in fear said, The Khuankhotan have already beaten Khazar, -"In truth this must have been Bogdo Erdeni and now they have made Ochigin kneel down himself."14 Ssanang Setzen also tells this story, to them. If while you are still alive they assail but he makes it a separate incident, and not an your brothers, who are majestic as cedars, episode in the adventure with the Taijiut. In how will a people which resembles agitated his account the old man offered the two brothers grass and a flock of birds (? without much a long bow. They jeered him, saying, -"Ab, cohesion) submit to your children who are old man, your bow would do well enough as a small and ungainly." Chinghiz thereapon snap bow to kill moles with !" He replied, said to Ochigin, "When Teb-tengri comes -"How can you young people be so scornful here to day you may do what you please with before you have tried it, the old man may teach him." Ochigin went out and engaged three you differently." When each had tried in vain very strong men. Presently Munlik arrived to string and bend it, the old man changed him- with his 'seven sons, among whom was Tebself in their presence into a hoary and decrepittengri. Hardly had the latter seated himself person, riding on a blind mule, and fired an on the western side of the drink store when arrow at a rock which he clove in pieces. Ochigin, taking him by the collar, said, - Then turning to them he said: "Boasting “Yesterday you made me ask pardon. To-day stinks, says the proverb. You know it as I will try how strong I am." While they were well as the old man." They then agreed that wrestling the cap fell from Teb-tengri's head, this could be no ordinary man, but an incarnation and was picked up by his father, who having ugnan of their ruler and elder brother. smelt it put it inside his coat." Chinghiz Thenceforward they were afraid and obedient.'s now ordered them to go and wrestle outside. Let us now revert again to the Yuan-ch'ao- As they went out, holding each other, the pi-shi. It reports another saga about the three strong men who had been posted behind Shaman Kokochi or Teb-tengri, which is not the threshold of the door seized Teb-tengri, preserved elsewhere so far as I know. We read broke his back bone, and threw his body joined him people of nine different to the left towards the kibitkas. Ochigin languages, as many as were with Chinghiz now went into the tent and delivered himself Khân himself. Among others were some of the in enigmatical phrases." Yesterday," he said, subjects of Ochigin, Chinghiz' brother. Ochigin "Teb-tengri forced me to ask forgiveness. ToBent Sokhora to bring them back, but Teb-tengriday, when I wished to measure strength with beat him, and sent him back again with a him he lay down and refuses to get up. It is horse saddle fastened on his back. Ochigin clear he is a person of the ordinary kind."** Op. cit., pp. 132 and 133. 15 Ssanang Setzen, pp. 73 and 75. 16 Burte Fujin. 11 Palladius explains that among the Mongols, as with the Chinese, smelling is equivalent to kissing with us. Op. cit. note 524. 11. e, not supernaturally endowed.


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