Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 253
________________ August, 1883.) SANSKRIT AND OLD-CANARESE INSCRIPTIONS. 225 Secon ('] tigal-entu núra mdvadt-ouponta)neya Dhatu-samvatsar [A*)ntarggata [] Svasti Samadhigata pañchamahitabda-mahasåmanta unnat-Aditya 8på ['] Kusumayudha Abhimana-baluki srimat Lendel? nte)y-arasaru Purige[] re-mûnůruman=aļutt-ire Paltiya-Maltavurada når [] rppadimborum=iļdu daye-geyye Kachchavara-Kâdammana [] Vutavura bidisidom [ll] Idam k Ad Atange aśvamëdhada (") phalam [lo] i(t) sti(sthitiyspn(n)-alidátange Baranasi ('') yol=sayira kavileyuman såsirbboru[m] ["') pârvvaruman-alida brahraktiyor-akku Second Inscription. [*] Sri-Bhögèsva (sva)ra-devargge telliga Jayasingayya-setti Jumommi ["') setti Maļi-setti Nami-setti Karvi-setti intziyar=mmo: ["] dal=ági ayvatt-okkalum-irddu Bodarimge kotta"" r sortige e nneya[m] I Idam n adasidargge ananta-pugya[m] ["] Sri-Bhôgêsvara-dewargge a ngadiya s etiyar sortiti)ge Hollisetti (j bhattamam bittar (11) I dharmmama[m*) nadesidavarigwakshe(ksha)ya-punya[m] ! Idan=alidange neraka -*) ! Translation. | in kindness caused the village of) Vatavura Hail: While the victorious reign of NityBel of Kachchavara-Kadamma to be allotted. varsha,-the favourite of Sri and of the earth; (L. 10.)-To him who preserves this (grant), the supreme king of great kings; the supreme (there shall be) the reward of celebrating) an lord; the most worshipful one-was continuing ašvamédha-sacrifice; to him who destroys this with perpetual increase, (no as to endure) as long ordinance, there shall be (the guilt on the as the moon and sun and stars should last:- slaughter of a Brahman in destroying a thousand (L. 3.)- In the Dhatu sarivatsara, (which tawny-coloured cows or a thousand Brahmans was) the eight hundred and thirty-eighth of at Báraņási ! the years that have elapsed from the time of Second Inscription. the Sak a king, which have the names of (L. 14.)-Headed by the oil-man JayasingayPrabhava, 80., (and) which consist of those that yasetti, (and) Jummisetti, (anul) MAlisetti, (und) give the most excellent results and those that Nâmisetti, (and) Kámvisetti, -the Fifty Cultigive mediocre results and those that give the vators," being (in assembly), gave to the god worst results and others : Sri-Bhôgêśvara a sonfige" of oil for the lamp (of (L. 6.)-Hail! The Two-hundred-and-twenty the temple). To those who continue this, (there Mahájanas of the village of) Paltiya-Mal. shall be) infinite religious merit! tavure, being in assembly)-the glorious (L. 18.)-The merchants of the shops allotted Ledeyarasa, the Mahásámanta who had to the god Śri-Bhôgêávara a sonlige (of oil ); attained the panchamahásabda ; he who was the (and) Hollisetti (allotted) some rice in the husk. sun of noble people ; & very Kusumayudha" To those who continue this act of piety, there ...."....." in respect of pride,-while shall be) imperishable religious merit; to him governing the Purigere Three hundred, - who destroys it, (there shall be hell! sc. brahma-hatyey 67 This Anusvára is superfluous. os This tti was at first omitted, and then inserted below the line. " This idea is still current; but I was not able to obtain any classification of the sath vatsaras in accordance with it, until Mr. K. B. Pathak supplied me with the following passage, in which we have the identical words that are used in this inscription, from a MS. of Maghapandi's Srduakachara, Chap. II., p. 665, Dakshinayanam-uttarayanam-end-it-teran A yeradsrim barisan lavu Prabhava-Vibhava-(fc., in the usual order, down to). Vyaya 120 uttama-samvat- sarangalu Sarvajitu-Sarvadhari-(&c., in the usual order, down to)-Parkbhava 120 'madhyama-samvatBarangaļu Plavamga-Kilaka-(gc., in the usual order, down to)-Kshaya 1 20 jaghanya-sat vatsarar. galu | The qualities of each of the sixty sarhvataaras separately are detailed in the Sanskrit Narada-Sanhita, in the chapter called Salvatsara-phala. 10 Kimadeva. " The meaning of ap is not apparent, unless apdirura, unprecedented, should have been written, or, romo such word as rapa or martti being required in such a connection, unless it stands for vapus, 'form, person, beauty,'-conf. the Vedic form apus. The meaning of saluki is not apparent. 13 Ayvatt-okkalum; this, which occurs in many inscrip tions, is a technical term, and does not necessarily mean the exact number of fifty. A measure connected with the old form of the modern Canarese soţu,' a spoon or ladle.' beauction, wipe or mubare beestent unless deva


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