Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 319
________________ OCTOBER, 1883.1 PIYADASI INSCRIPTIONS. 277 pi cha me kate amnânam cha devikuma- the gods :-Upon the roads I have planted lånam ime dånavisagesa viy&pat& hohamti tinyagrodhas that they may give shade to men (') dhammapadanathấye dhammánu pațipati- and beasts, I have planted gardens of mangos; ye (.) esa hi dhammapadane dhammapa- from half krosa to half krosa I have caused tipati cha ya iyam daya dâne sache sochave wells to be dug, I have caused bathing-ponds (?) madave sâdhama cha lokasa evam vadhisati to be made, and have, in a multitude of places, ti (.) devânampiye.... lâjâ hevam áhâ[.] caused caravanserais to be built for the comfort yâni hi kâni chi mamiya sadhavani kațâni of men and of animals. But, for myself the tam loke anûpațipamne tam cha anuvidhiy- true comfort is this --- Previous kings have, and amti tena vadhitâ cha I myself have contributed to the welfare of men ) vadhisamti cha måtâpitisu sugasåyå gulusa by various ameliorations; but to make them sususkyà vayomahalakanan anupatipatiya enter on the ways of religion, with this object I bábhanasamanesu kapanavalakesu ávada- rule my actions. Thus saith Piyadasi, the beloved sabhatakegu sampațipatiyê [.] devânampiy of the gods :- I have created also supervisors ... dasi låjå hevan khá () munisanam of religion in order that they may be occupied chu ya iyan dhammavadhi vadhitâ duvehi in all kinds of works of charity, that they may yeva akalehi dhammaniyamena cha nijha- be occupied also with all sects, sects of monks tiyâ cha [.] or of puople living in the world. I have had also ( tata chu laha sadhammaniyame nijhatiya in view the interests of the clergy, with which va bhuye (.] dhammaniyame chu kho esa these officers will occupy themselves, also the ye me iyam kate imâni cha imâni játâni ava- interests of Brahmans, of religious mendicants, dhiyâni amnâni pi chu bahu .. dhamma- with which they will occupy themselves, niyamani yani me kațâni [.] nijhatiya va about the Nirgrantha ascetics and the different chu bhuye munisânaris dhammavadhi sects, with which they will equally occupy vadhita avihimaye bhutânam themselves. The Mahâmâtras will occupy (1) anålambhảye pånânam [-] se etaye athâye themselves separately with the one and the iyam kate putâpapotike chandamasuliyike other, each with one corporation; and my hofu ti tatha chu anupațipajamta ti [.] supervisors of religion will be employed in a hevam hi anapațîpajanta hidatapalate general way, as much with these sects as âladha hoti [.] satavisativasàbhipâtena me with all others. Thus says the king Piyadasi, iyam dhammalibi likhapâpità ti [.] etam the beloved of the gods :- These officers and devånampiye áhá [.] iyam others besides are my intermediaries; they are (1) dhammalibi ata athi silithanhhấni và sila- appointed to the distribution of my alms and phalakâni vâ tata kataviyå ena esa chilathi- those of the queens. In my whole palace tike siya [:] they give their attention) in different ways Translation. each to the apartments that are entrusted to In order that religion may make rapid pro- them. I intend also that, as here, so in the gress, for that reason I have published religious provinces, they be employed to distribute exhortations, I have given various instructions the alms of my children, and specially of the upon religion, I have appointed numerous royal princes, in order to encourage acts of (officers) over the people, each having his circle religion, the practice of religion, namely: comto himself, that they may spread the teaching, passion, almsgiving, veracity, purity of life, that they may develop (my thought). I have gentleness and kindness. Thus saith the king also appointed rájukas over many myriads of Piyadasi, beloved of the gods :-Indeed, the creatures, and they have received from me the acts of goodness of every kind that I perform, command to direct the faithfal people. Thussaith after these do people govern themselves: they Piyadasi, the beloved of the gods - It is with are ruled by my example. In this way have this only pre-occupation that I have raised men grown and will grow in obedience to pillars (covered with inscriptions) of religion, parents, to masters, in condescension to people that I have created supervisors of religion, that of advanced age, in respect towards Brâhmang, I have published religiotis exhortations (*). Sramang, the poor, the miserable, even to slaves Thus saith the king Piyadasi, the beloved of and servants. Thus saith the king Piyadasi,


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