Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 335
________________ NOVEMBER, 1883.] NOMENCLATURE OF HINDÚ ERAS. 293 authorities for Dr. Bühler. But, as the day mási sukla-pakshe trayodasy án tithau Ravidine was a Sunday according to the inscription, it ankato-pi saivat 1232 Bhádra su (ou) di 13 seems to me not improbable that the date may | Ravau ; and in-6, the Kadi grant of Jayannot have been read quite correctly. The only tasimha," (11. 21-3) Gata-samvatsara-dvádasayear which I can find that agrees with the varshasatéshu aśity-uttaréshu Pausha-másé week-day indicated is Vikrama-Samvat 497, kukla-pakshe tritiyáyám tithau Bhaumaváre in which year the 10th of Ashadha Sudi fell on sarijata uttarágata-súrya-sakrama-parvani Sunday the 15th June, A.D. 441. If the aikkató-pi sasivat 1280 varshé Pausha su di figure for 80 was injured below, as the figure 3 Bhaume-dy=é ha sarjáta uttaránayana-parfor 400 certainly was, then the figure read vami. as 80 might have been 90, and the Sam- The next expression, viz. vat year might perhaps be 497."-What Vikrama-Sarivatsara ever may be the case as regards the reading | or the years of Vikrama, is supplied by-7, of the second numerical symbol and the com. the Dhiniki grant of the J êth và king Jážka," patation of the details of the date, the fact (11. 1-2) Vikrama-samvatsara-sata(té)shu saptasu remains that the first numerical symbol is | chatur-navaty-adhikéshr=arikatoh P 794 Kárttiundoubtedly 400, and that we have here a date ka-inds-para-pakshe amávdsydyn Adityaváre which can only be referred to the fifth century Jyêshtà(shfhd)-nakshatré ravi-graha-naparvvami. of the Vikrama era. And the only substantial An abbreviation of the preceding expression, objection to it is, that it is destructive of the vis. theory that the era was only invented by Vikrama-Saivat Harsha-Vikramaditya of Ujjayini in A.D. 544, or of the years of Vikrama' is furnished by i.e. exactly after the completion of six centu- -8, the Radhanpur grant of Bhima II. of the ries from the epoch that was selected as the Chauluk ya dynasty," (1.1) Vikrama-saravat commencement of the era, and more than 1086 Kárttika éu di 15. The same expression a century after this, the first known date in is used also in--9, the Girnar inscription of the era. Vastupa la, the minister of Viradhavala of the The same simple expression is used in-2, same dynasty," (1.2) Sri Vikrama-saivat the Mâlwa grant of Vákpati of Dhår &," 1288 varshé A(Q)śvina ta didi) 15 Some; (11. 13-14 and 32-3) Eka-tri(tri)sisa-sáhasrika- in-10, the Girnar inscription of Jayantasimha, samvatsaré=smin Bhadrapada-bukla-chatur- son of the same Vastapala," (11. 1, 3, and 4) ddasyáin pavittra(tra)ka-paruvami ..... Sri Vikrama-sarvat 1288 varshé Pha[lo]gunaSan 1031 Bhadrapada su di 14; in-3, the (na) bu di 10 Budhe ...... sari 79 var Dewal'inscription of Lalla of the Chhinda sha-púrvvari .... sarh 76 varshafamily, " (1.24) Sarivatsara-sahasra 1049 Md- púruvarh; and in-11, the Dôhad inscripgha va di 3 Gurudine ; in-4, the Ujjain grant tion of Jayasimha of the Chauluky a of Bhoja of Dhârâ, (il. 8-9 and 30-1) Atit- dynasty," (11. 8-9) Sri-nripa-Vikrama-samvat Ishta-saptaty-adhika-sdhasrika-samvatsaré Má. 1196......saj 1202, gh-ásita-tritiyâyám Raváv=udagayana-paruvani And a further abbreviation of the same ...... sarvat 1078 Chaitra su di 14; expression, viz. in-4, the 'Ingroda' inscription of Vijayapala Vikrama-Sam of Ingaņapadra," (1.1) Samvatsara-satéshv=éká- or of the years of Vikrama,' is furnished daéasu navaty-adhikeshu Asha dha-su(su)kla- by-12, the Sômanath-Pathan inscription of paksh-aikádašyári sanat 1190 Ashddha bu Arjuna of the Chaaluky a dynasty," (11. 2-4) di 11; in-5, the Sihvar grant of the Sri. Visvanátha - prativa (ba)ddha-tau nau)jand. Rathôr king Jayachandra of Kananj, Dvé- náin (bo)dhakara-sula-Mahamada-saavat trinsad-adhika-dvádasa-sata-samvatsaré Bhadré 662 tatha Srinsipa-[Vi]krama-sama 1320 tatha 13 Ind. Ant. Vol. VI. pp. 51 f; and Archæol. Suru. of 11 Ind. Ant. Vol. VI. pp. 196 ff. Weat. India, Vol. III, pp. 101 f. Id. Vol. XII. Pp. 161 ff. Archæol. Suro. of India, Vol. I. pp. 354 f. and Plats 10 This mark of punctuation is unnecessary. LI. Ind. Ant. Vol. VI. pp. 193 f. 1* Ind. Ant. Vol. VI. pp. 53 ff. Archeol. Suru. West. India, Vol. II. p. 173. 15 d. Vol. VI. pp. 58 f. Id. pp. 170 ft. " Ind. Ant. Vol. X. pp. 158 . * The Pandit, Vol. IV. pp. 94 ff. # Ia. Vol. XI. pp. 241 ff.


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