Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 367
________________ DECEMBER, 1883.] THE RITUAL OF RÅMEŚVARAM. 321 the Veda who may wish to join, sit down near He next dips the mango leaves and darbha him. The bhattar asks :-Punyah punyúhani in the water and drops it on his head, then váchayishye ? on the floor, and on the vessels (as pro. "Charitable people! Permit me to pro- kshana). The kumbha is now set aside" and nounce the Punyáhaváchanam !" asthanikår brings the panchaga vyam-curds, They reply--Váchyatám, -"Let it be said !" ghi, milk, cow-urine (mútram) and dung He says-Akshaták ? (gómayam) for which five cups are arranged They reply-Santo akshatáh ---"Let there be in the form of a cross; the milk is put in the akshatás." centre, the curd on the east, the ghi on the south, Bhattar-Dakshinah?—" Fees P" the cow-dung on the west and the urine on the Brahmaņs--Svasti dakshinah, -"Let there north. The bhattar taking akshath in his left be fees." hand, lifts a little of it with his right and puts it The bhattar then takes the mango leaves, on the curd, saying :-Púrvasydın dili dadhi cocoanut, darbha grass and a cloth, and lays pújayámi : "I worship the card (placed) in the them on the kumbha,--the head of the cocoanut eastern direction." pointing to the east. Then the bhattar performs Again on the ghi, saying :sankalpa, as before. A sthanikar brings him Dakshinasyai disi ghritak pújaya mi: "I a cloth and garland, and the bhattar ties the worship the ghi in the southern direction." cloth round the neck of the kumbha and puts the Next on the gômayan,--Varunasydın didi Farland over it. Then taking down the cocoanuty gómayan pújayami: "I worship the gomayam he dips the mango leaves into the water thrice, on the west." and drops the water into another vessel with Then on the gånútram saying - Uttarasyari the same formula as in the first pójd. Next, disi gôjalan pájayami: "I worship the cowtouching the pot with some darbha stalks, he urine on the north." and the Brahmaņs repeat portions of the Veda And lastly on the milk, saying - Madhyam for about an hour. The bhattar then offers dugdhan pújayámi: "I worship the milk in betel-leaf, sugar and flowers, as naivedya to the middle." the kumbha, saying, Varunarajdya nanah, and He now presents molasses as naivélya, from another vessel he sprinkles water thrice saying :-Fañchagavya-dé vatayai namah gulani on the floor with the usual formula - Arghyam, naivedyami:" "Salutation to the god Pancha&c. Now taking water and a flower in his gavya, I offer molasses as naivedya." hand, he waves it twice, as an offering, to- Then taking a little akshatih and holding it wards the kumbha, saying :-Kadaliphalam nai- ont in his joined hands, he says: -Yathivedyami; gulani naivedyami. Then he says: sthánam pratishtha payîmi. "I consecrate it in Pági-phala-sanáyuktai någa-valli-dalair yu- its usual place." tai | karpara-chúrna-sanyuktai tambalan Next he pours into the milk, first the curds, prutigrihyatan || next the ghi, third the yómayam, and lastly * Be pleased to accept betel-leaf with nuts, the the gônútrain, and takes the vessel into the tender leaves of Nágavalli, and camphor powder." garbhagriha or shrine, and sets it on the north Then he adds Támbilani naivedyami, and side of the linya." taking akshatah he joins his hands, and says :- Again a sthånikår brings four measures of Vurunarljáya namah yathásthánai pratish- rice and places it on the raised stone or fing thápayáini and the bhattar spreads it in a square and draws "Salutation to Varuņaraja. I consecrate on it a lotus flower with ten petals, the 3rd him in his usual place." pointing to the south and the 8th to the north, * The bhattar geta the rice, &c. the milk must be placed. In the East the curdy. In 30 Puncha-gavy -vidhih the South the ghi. In the North and Weet the two Nava-krita-padu-madhy" dugdham aindre dadhi syat gồmayas-dung and urine. In the South-East (Anala), Yama-dibi gkrita-85ml wirund g mayd deel South-west (Niriti), North-West (Vayu), and North-E:et Nifichara-jala-viyir fta-kin shu pishtamalaka-rajani. (Itdna), rice flour (paste), Amalaka (fruit mixed in water), toye sthapitan pancha-guvyam | Turmeric (dissolved in water) and pure water must be The second part is also given thus placed respectively. All these nine ingredients mixed Anala nirita viyoufia k inéshu pishta together form the Panchgavya componnd. malaka rajanikipah sthapayet Panchaguye 30 The North is the proper side in all marriage and That is propitious ceremonies; in Sraddhas and ceremonies "In the middle of a square divided into nine sections relating to the dead the South is the proper side.


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