Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 365
________________ 319 DECEMBER, 1883.) THE RITUAL OF RÅMÊSVARAM. Then he takes water thrice in his hand and pours it on the floor, the Adhyayanabhattar saying, arghyam, pádyam, achamaniyam, as he lets them fall in succession. Then taking bilva leaves in his hand he sways or waves them thrice towards the linga, the other saying (for rice) - annan naivedyami, (for bread) - apúpanii naivodyámi and (for corry)--vyanjanan naivedyami. Again he pours water thrice on the floor saying as before-arghyam, &c., and the curtain is withdrawn. A sthanikar next gives the bhattar a lamp" (ahúpa) in which gum benzoin (or incense) is lighted, and he incenses the linga, moving it first downwards in a wavy line, then thrice round, and up and down once. Another lamp (ilipa) is given and waved as before; then a camphor light. The bhattar during all these services faces the north, and now, at the close of the morning pujá (Suprabhatam, Tam. Tiruvanandal), he requests the Svámi or god to accept the food, repeating the slôka : Annai cha payah bhakshya Sitá-16hyasamanvitam dadhi-kshira - ghritair yuktai grihána Sura-pujital "O thou that art worshipped by the Devas, be pleased to accept the rice, payasa (Rice boiled in milk) and paddings and cakes mixed with sitaldhya (chilly-powder) together with curd, milk, and ghi!" and prostrates himself with joined hands in front of it. About 7 A.M. the second service (Udayamártanda) begins. The bhattar taking water in a vessel goes into the shrine, joins his hands, and thus asks the svåmi to accept this půjd : Namo Rudraya bhímáya Nilakanthaya Vedhasé Kapardiné Surésáya Vyoma-késűya vai namah 11 Tathá phalais cha dhúpais cha naitédyair vividhair api upacháraih shôdhasabhiḥ pújáin grilnishva Sankara || "Salutation to Rudra, to Bhima (the fear- ful) to Nilakantha, to Vedhas, to Kapardin, to Suresa, to Vyömakeśa. O Samkara accept my worship which is performed with fruits, holy incenses, holy rice of various kinds, and the sixteen kinds of external honours." Then he dips his fingers in the water and casts it on the linga, saying : Apavitrah pavitro vá sarvávasthani gatópi vál Formed somewhat in the shape of a quadruped, with the cup for the light in place of the head. yas smarét Pundarikákshan sa báhy abhya ntaras-suchih || "Whether pure or impure, in whatever state of body (physical or mental) a man may be, if he only contemplates the lotus-eyed (Vishnu) he becomes pure both externally and internally." He next throws water thrice on the floor, saying drghyam, &c. A sthånikar then brings naivedya-rice mixed with curd (dadhyödana), bread, fresh butter and curry, and the curtain is drawn. The bhattar sprinkles the food with water, and then waves his hand four times towards the linga saying-dadhyödanai naivedyami, apúpai naivedyami, navanitan naivedyami, and vyanjanam naivedyami, --with the successive movements. The curtain is again removed and the sthanikárs bring dhúpa, dipa and camphor lights, which are successively waved as before. Then the bhattar locks the door and goes out. The same is done in all the four temples, and the food is distributed to the temple servants. The third or Udayakálapújá commences about 9 o'clock. A sthanikir takes water in a silver pot from the Koțitirtha, and with it he mounts an elephant which is ready in the second Prákára and comes out by the east gate with musicians, chámara, umbrella and the dancing girl of the days in advance, and before them a second elephant. The procession turns to the south and comes round the temple, reenters at the east gate, and proceeds round the third Prdkára to the east entrance, where the sthanikár dismounts with the water and carries it into the Ardhamandapa. Then the bhattar comes, and the sthånikár brings water in another vessel into which the bhattar dips his fingers and drops it on his own head, saying - Pancha-suddhiḥ || Atma-suddhis tu púrvari syát "The five kinds of purity: Let there be first of all purity of soul!" This is called atmasuddhi; he also drops some of it on the floor as (sthanasuddhi,) saying Sthana-buddhir dvitiyakah || “Secondly, purity of place." Again he sprinkles the vessels (cravyasuddhi). saying : Tritiyar dravya-suddhis tu *Thirdly,parity of things (accompaniments)." * They serve in turns, each a whole day. 30 Here the other elephant makes his salám, and retires.


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