Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 347
________________ NOVEMBER, 1883.) CHINGHIZ KHÅN AND HIS ANCESTORS. 801 fluence also in moulding that magnificent the biography of Chen-hai in the Yuan-shi, was force which swept over half the civilized world established by Chinghis Khân as a military with such rapidity and success. It seems settlement, Chen-hai being its governor and incredible how a body of mere shepherds, ruler; there were also three hundred families however brave and disciplined, should have there from Pien-king, the modern Kai-feng-fu engaged in elaborate siege operations and in Ho-nan, engaged in making woollen cloths." elaborated a scientific strategy which is the | The mention of these Chinese officers in wonder of our time, and it is only explained Chinghiz Khân's service reminds us that one of when we remember that Chinghiz induced & the most puzzling things in the strategy of the large number of educated and skilled warriors Mongols is to realize the apparent certainty and from China to join his forces. Northern China, knowledge with which they marched through as we have seen, had only been conquered by the most difficult countries with great rapidity at a Kin dynasty a comparatively short time, and time when surveys were of the rudest kind, while the partizans of the former dynasty, the Liau, the Mongols themselves were entire strangers were not only willing but anxious to help one in every way in the countries they traversed. who was likely to give their mortal foes such It is quite clear that a much more elaborate heavy blows. The Khitans, who had old tradi system of espionage and a much better tions of culture, became his eager allies. In organized intelligence department existed in addition the Kin empire was itself, as we have their armies than we have hitherto dreamt seen, the prey of intestine feuds, and there of. A passage of Sherifu'd-dîn, referring to were not wanting many experienced Kin officers Timur's campaigns against the so-called Jets of who joined the vigorous Mongol chief. We Mongolistán, is suggestive enough in this view read in the Yuan-shi-lei-pen that when Chin- to tempt me to quote it. When he had deterghiz Khân set out on his western com- mined upon his campaign Timur held a grand paign, many Tartar princes and grandees were council with the princes his sons and the other selected to accompany him, and he also had grandees of the empire; and it was resolved with him several Chinese generals. He also that the army should be divided into several organized several companies of soldiers whose sections, each one of which was to advance by duty it was to assail besieged towns with a separate route, that the country of the Jets stones (i.e., no doubt he got together from should be surrounded, and that they should be China a body of men skilled in using the mercilessly pursued wherever they retired. mangonels and other primitive artillery of "To carry out this plan there were summoned to those days). These quasi-artillerymen, we are the council those who knew the roads and who told, were commanded by a Mongol named could act as guides. They made their reports in Yenmuhay and by Suktalabay who had lived regard to the various passes and routes in the at Yenking, but was a stranger by origin." district to be invaded, and in accordance with this The number of Chinamen and others frowa information memoirs were drawn up, copies of the far East who thus accompanied Chinghiz which were distributed to the princes and the must have have very considerable, and some of generals of the army ; lastly a guide was selected them were apparently planted in military settle to lead each division, and the route he was to ments, for when Ch'ang Ch'un, in his journey follow was marked out for him, while the general to see Chinghiz Khân in 1221, approached & rendesvors was fixed at Yulduz." town which his biographer calls T'ien-chen-hai- When Chinghiz withdrew from China, he left ba-la-ho-gun, and which Bretschneider places Mu-khu-li as his vicegerent there, with orders somewhere near Uliassutai, there came out to prosecute the campaign. We will return to to meet him a number of Chinamen, artisans him presently, and meanwhile consider what and workmen who lived there. There were also was taking place elsewhere. I must repeat that two concubines of the late Kin emperor and a we are not at all certain of the exact chronology Chinese princess. This colony, we learn from of the events. Thus we read of a campaign 11 Gaubil, p. 34. 1 Bretschneider, Noter on Med. Travellers to the West, Sherifu'd-din, by De la Croix vol. II, pp. 44 and 45.


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