Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 357
________________ NOVEMBER, 1883.] MISCELLANEA. 311 Bhikshus, I will tell you of yet other blessings that good will brings: He lives with food and drink in plenty, Which he finds near at hand, He lives in the midst of great abundance, The man who is not without good will. Where'er he goes within the town, Be it in the city or in the royal palace, Everywhere he meets with honour, The man who is not without good will. To him thieves and robbers come not, To him the king does no harm, He is a friend to all creation, The man who is not without good will. Free from anger, he happily lives at home; To mankind there shines no such pleasing vane, But he is better than them all, The man who is not without good will. He who shows honour, honour he will find, He who bows, to him shall others bow, Glory and fame shall he find, The man who is not without good will. He who is respectful, respect he shall find, Reverence comes to him who shows it, He will have the bloom of health, The man who is not without good will. He shines as does a blazing fire, . His body like that of some (bright) god; He will not lose his wealth, The man who is not without good will. Great will be the herds, Great the grain in the field, Many the sons and the daughters, Of the man who is not without good will. Falls he from off the mountain-top, Or falls he from off a tree, He drops not, but (gently) reaches the earth, The man who is not without good will. The man who climls a phata (P or tala) tree, Cannot be shaken by the wind, So enemies cannot bring to harm, The man who is not without good will." When the Blessed One had thus spoken, the Bhikshus greatly extolled his teaching. The sútra on showing good will is finished. (Bkah-hgyur, Mdo, xxx. f. 575, 576. MISCELLANEA. NAGAPATAM BUDDHIST IMAGES. in ours. The left hand, also, is held up, instead SIR,- In the VIIth volume of the Indian Anti- of pointing downwards. In all other respects quary (1878), at pp. 224-227, Sir Walter Elliot they are identical." has published a paper, entitled The Edifice known "It is probable that these three (figs. 5, 6, 7) as the Chinese or Jaina Pagoda at Negapatam, have been deposited in the Academy of St. Quenin which he describes the ruined tower once tin, and that the one retained by the Fathers is in the vicinity of the Jesuit College there, and that which was given to Lord Napier." alludes to several Buddhist idols found by the I can supply some information about the Jesuit Missionaries under the roots of a Mohws statues. Of the five, two have been brought to tree, which was cut down in 1856. the Rev. T. Carayon in Paris (and not one only) On reading it I have been struck by some mis- by the Baron Textor de Ravisi himself, one bronze takes, which, I think, it will be interesting to statue and that in porcelain and clay alluded to correct. in the article of Sir Walter Elliot. Two, those . As regards the author's account of the tower under numbers 5 and 6, were given to M. Textor and of the discovery of the images, I have nothing de Ravisi by the Missionaries; of these he to object, the second part being the transla- gave that numbered 5 to M. Ph. Ed. Foucaux, tion of a paper communicated by M. Ph. Ed. and it will soon be published as an illustrative Foucaux to the Athenée Oriental, and by Baron plate in the new translation of the Lalita Vistara Textor de Ravisi to the Academic Society of St. in the volume VI of the Annales du Musée Quentin. But the author says, at page 226 : Guimet; the other, the bronze standing image is "M. Foucaux adds that one of the idols has still, I think, in M. de Ravisi's possession. been retained in the college, and that the fifth had T he fifth was retained by the Fathers, as stated been sent to the Rev. T. Carayon in Paris, but by Sir Walter Elliot, but it was not given to he does not state what becaine of the remaining Lord Napier, for M. Textor de Ravisi says--in a three. One of these is almost identical with note to a paper issued some years ago (I don't that figured for our article (fig. 3), differing only know the date), in answer to the critics of the in the absence of the square pedestal bearing paper in the Travaux of the Academic Society of the inscriptions, which, however, forms a separate St. Quentin, entitled Interpretations d'Antiques piece from the lotus stand common to both, and Idoles Bouddhiques-"By a letter of the 7th in the disposition of the mantle, which is pendent September 1860 the Missionaries also gave me the from the left shoulder only and not from both as fifth Buddha. I sent it to a relation of mine,


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