Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 327
________________ OCTOBER, 1883.] CHINGHIZ KHÅN AND HIS ANCESTORS. 285 had communications with the governor. This Altan Topchi and in the pages of Ssanang Setzen, work is not accessible to me. we have a curious romantic story relating to the In regard to Korea, we have & carious notice intercourse of Chinghiz Khân with the tribes which is contained in the Manchu translation of of Manchuria and the Solongae, which is very the Yuan history, entitled Thai-yuan-ni-bitkhe, interesting from its local colour and otherwise. which was published in 1644 by order of the It follows one or two shorter statements about emperor Shi-tsu, and which notice has been pub- other districts, which it will be well first to lished by Klaproth. In this we read that :-"In relate as they are not reported elsewhere. the thirteenth year of Tai-tsu Chinghiz Khân, The Altan Topchi tells us that Uran Chinkui, which is that of the yellow tiger or 1218, Luku," of the tribe Ingut (called Uran Tsenkoi of general of the mountain Tsin-shan of the king the tribe Angkud, by Seanang Setzen), with dom of the Khitans, sought refuge, with 90,000 31 clans or families, broke away or rebelled, men, who remained with him, in the kingdom and began to nomadize towards the northof Solgo," where he captured the town of west. Chinghiz Khân and Khabar went after Kiang-tang-ching, and established himself. I him. Khasar rode on the beautiful yellow Thereupon Chinghiz Khân sent his general horse belonging to his brother called SamaKha-jen-dza-la at the head of an army to oppose chin." While the son of Toktongui-bagatur," him." The Mongol general entered the territory commanded the advance guard, Khasar fought of the Solgos." Huang-ta-sigan, a grandee of 80 vigorously that his horse was covered with that kingdom, went to the Mongol camp to blood. Uran Chinkui was defeated and captured. organize a joint movement with him against He was taken before Chinghiz Khân. Khasar, the town in which Luku had shut himself up as his reward, received the woman, Balbal, while Wang-che, king of Korea" who supplied the Uran Chinkui presented Chinghiz Khân himMongol army with cattle, spirits and wine, sent self with a crystal pyramid. For this he was Chao-dsung, one of his grandees, to assist in the given the daughter of Altan. Alten's other siege. The two generals acted like brothers, daughter, Altan-Gorgoldoi,Chinghiz Khân gave and the Korean leader suggested that Korea to the Solongut Khân, Narin.18 should be tributary to the Mongols.". The It will be noticed that the account in the Altan Mongol general replied :-"Your kingdom is Topchi is more detailed than in Ssanang Setzen, very far from us, an envoy would have difficulty but it does not enable us now any more than the in going to and fro. It would be well, there. notice by the latter enabled his editor, Schmidt, fore, to employ ten men every year to take to say who the Ingut were, nor to what period the tribute." He then sent out to obtain rice of the great conqueror's reign the story is to be for his men, and was speedily furnished with assigned. With Schmidt I am disposed to think 10,000 panniers. The next year, in the first it refers to the earlier part of Chinghiz Khan's month of Spring, Wang-chi sent two of his career, but the mention of the Khân of the people, In-kung-dsieou and Sui-i, as envoys to Solongas raises a difficulty, since the Mongols the camp of the Mongol general. He returned had not apparently any dealings with Korea the compliment by sending Fiao-szu-yun; and until later. presently Chinghiz Khận sent the king letters. To continue : the Altan Topchi next tells us patent confirming him in his dignity. These that Oroshi Gushi, of the tribe Bariat, having were taken by Fulitai-yei. The king received captured a hawk on lake Baikal, took it to them from the ambassador on his knees, and Chinghiz, for which he got the command of gave a ceremonial feast, and thenceforward the Buriats." Ssanang Setzen says the Oirad Korea became tributary to the Mongols." Buriad sent Oroja Shigushi from lake Baikal Turning from the regular histories to the with an eagle, as a present to Chinghiz Khan, collections of Mongol Sagas contained in the and as a token of their submission. This * Id., note p. 563. 10 1.6. Yeliu-liuko. ** Joumal Asiatique, 1st Series, tome II, pp. 195 and 1 i.e., Koros. 197; Douglas, p. 88; Hyacinthe, p. 91. According to Douglas this was in answer to an 10 The Sain Samujin of Seadang Setzen. invitation from the Korean king. " Called Andun Ching Taiji, the son of Toktangha 1s 1.e. of the Koreans. Baghatur Taiji, by Banang Setzen. Called Wang-thun in the Chinese abridgment of Altan Topchi, p. 133; Ssanang Setzen, p. 75. the same notioe. 79 Op. cit., p. 133. 0 Op. cit., p. 75.


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