Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 290
________________ 252 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [SEPTEMBER, 1883. [56] cha Ramabhadrêņa || Samanyô=yam dharmma-sêtur=nripåņam kalê kalê pålani[] yo bhavadbhiḥ sarvvân-êvam bhâvinaḥ pârtthivêmdrán=bhûyê bhùyô gáchate fooi Ramabhadrah | Shashti-varsha-sahasrani svarggé tishthati bhůmi-dahl âchchhetta chanuma[m]["'] tâcha tâny=ôva narakê vasêt Sva-dattam para-dattâm và yê harêttu vasundharam [O] sva(sva)-vishțâyâm ksimir=bhůtvå pitsibhig=saha pachchya(chya)tê Prassitya sampradânêna da[] ttasy=kharaņēna cha janma-prabhțiti yaddattar tat=sarvvam nishphalam bhavet | Ka[•] lpa-köți-sahasråņi kalpa-koti-Satâni cha nivased=Vra(bra)hmaņô 18[*] kê bhůmi-dânam dadâti yaḥ || Sivam=astu sarvva-jagataḥ 11.0m namah Sivaya (ID) Translation. moon fills all the regions with its extensive and Ôm! Victorious are the melodious Sama- I great splendour). songs of Brahma, whose soul is pleased with (L. 7.)-Then the king, Sri-Krishna, the the completion of creation, which cause the paternal uncle of that king,--having risen and happiness of Sarasvati! having ascended the excellent throne of splen(L. 1.)-From the moon,--that rájahansa- dour and bravery, as the sun ascends the bird in the pool of waterlilies of the lake summit of Mêru ; having dispelled the darkwhich is the sky, overspread by a crowd ofness of the mighty race of the Chalu kyas, waterlilies which are the multitudinous stars; (as the sun dispels the darkness); (and) having that radiantly white umbrella of Madana, placed (his) commands on the heads of kings, who stands in the position of being the su- (as the sun places his rays on the summits of the preme lord of the three worlds; that ocean of mountains),-- pervaded the whole world with milk in loveliness; that mountain of silver in his extensive radiance. resplendence; that earring of the women who (L. 9.)-From him there was (born) the are the regions, -(there came) that lineage" king Govinda; whose mark, consisting of which is possessed of (the glory of being) the the smoke (caused) by the burning of (his) enemansion of the abode of the waterlily which mies, is beheld, as if it were a laudatory is the three worlds. inscription, on the surface of the stone which (L. 4.)-From that lineage there sprang the is the disc of the moon." race of the Yadus, which is like an ocean | (L. 10.)--His younger brother was the king on the earth,-the family house of splendour; Iddhat e jas, whose other name was Niruthe abode of greatness; the play-ground of pama, -whose intellect was powerful in proendurance and great prosperity and sagacity; tecting the world ; who shook off the multitude possessed of fame acquired by protecting (all) of (his) enemies; (and) by whose signet even creatures who came to it (for refuge)." the ocean was made known to be properly (L. 5.)-Then in the spotless sky which is named) samudra." the family of the Yadus there arose king (L. 11.)- After that there was born JagatDantidurga, as if he were the moon,-who tunga, whose hostile kings, having all the bowed down the hosts of his enemies, as circuits of their territories taken away from the moon bows down other orbs); who was them, became (flaccid and weak) like the breasts possessed of accomplishments, as the moon is of women whose youth has departed. possessed of digits); and who gratified (all) (L. 12.)- And from him was (born) Amddesires by his extensive and great fame, (as the ghavarsh ay of unequalled strength, -by 25 Kamadeva. 20 The Sômavama. 97 There are secondary meanings in this verse, referring to the ocean. 2 General Jacob's Pandit translated aţta by "command.' And though these meanings are not given in dictionaries, it must have the sense of command' here, as applied to Krishya, and of 'ray of light' as applied to the sun. ' Dr. Bühler translated "on the crystal disc of the inoon." (Vol. VI. p. 62, note ). But, from the use of the word prasasti, silatala is evidently intended to mean a polished slab of stone on which a prasasti would be engraved, and which is compared in respect of its brightness with the dieo of the moon. 30 There is a play on the double analysis and meaning of samudra, vis.:-1, samudra, 'that which has water; the ocean,' and 2, samudra,'having a stamp or seal.'


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