Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 292
________________ 254 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [SEPTEMBER, 1883. ning; the pearls that fall down when he me*), who am settled permanently at the cleayes open the temples of the elephants of his capital of Mânyak h&ta, (and) who preserve enemies who are difficult to be restrained (are) the agrahára-grants of the enjoyment of gods, the stars; (and) the drippingg of his fame, even though they have been interfered with by which pervades the universe (are) the moon previous (Kings), (and) day by day give in and the ocean of milk and (the serpent) Śêsha. hundreds innumerable charters of namasyaSince he has his mind intent upon clearing away villages,- in order to increase the religious thorns, the tubular stalks of the waterlilies, as merit and the fame of my parents and myself, if through fear (of him), do not lift themselves -eight hundred and fifty-five years, or in up in the waters (80 as to be plucked out), (but figures 855 years, having elapsed from the time Lakshmi, who dwells in the buds (of them), of the Sak a king, on Thursday the full-moon is made a (voluntary) offering (by them); the day of the month) Sravana in the Vijaya kétaki-plant takes refuge in a hollow chambersaravatsara which is current, under the Pârvaof the earth, the interior of which is darkened Bhadrapadå nakshatra,—the village of Lô haby the mass of its own pollen floating about in grama, which is included in the Ramapuri the wind; (and) the jack-tree (and) the reed Seven-hundred, -together with its rows and stand (like servants) in his door in order to clumps of trees, and that whioh is receivable save themselves. And he, wearing the form in kind) in grain and gold, and (the right to) and beauty of the transient Kandarpa" (and) fines and the proceeds of punishments inflicted laughing to scorn the consuming power of the for) faults and the ten (classes on offences, eye of Hara, became a very eternal Kandarpa; and the bhutópáttapratyaya; not to be entered casting ridicule upon the happiness of Satama- by the regular or irregular troops; ...... kha by means of his attribute of energy which .............""; (and to be held as) was magnified by the attributes of ļordsbip and a namasya-grant, according to the rule of a counsel, he became a Chaturmukha among grant to a Brâhman, as long as the moon Chanakyas ; being intent upon working the and the ban may last,---has been given, with welfare of the earth that was pervaded by copious libations of water, to Kēšavadikshita, his renowned and pre-eminent prowess, he be- the son of Dåmôdarabhatta, who started from came a very Sri-Nåråyaņa among valorous the city of Punda vardhana nagara," men; (and), tearing open the fields which were who was of the Kausika gôtra, and who was the chests of his enemies with the plough that a student of the Vaji-Kanva (ádkhá). And was the weapon with which his hands were the boundaries of it (are)--on the east, the familiar, he became a very Sri-Triņôtra among village of Ghodegrâma; on the south, the vilkings. lage named Vannli; on the east, the village (L. 39.)-And he, the most worshipful one, named Viñchaviharajha (?); (and) on the the supreme king of great kings, the supreme north, the village named Sonnahî. lord, the glorious Suvarna varshadê va (L. 52.)-"No obstruction is to be made by the favourite of the earth, the glorious Valla- | any one to Kéśavadikshita cultivating, causing bhanarendradêva,-who meditated on the to be cultivated, enjoying, or causing to be feet of the most worshipful one, the supreme enjoyed, the village of Lôhagrama, thus king of great kings, the supreme lord, the defined as to its) four boundaries. This, my glorious Nitya varshad êva, -being in good religious gift, is to be assented to and preserved health, announces to the ráshtrapatis, vishaya- by future kings, whether of my lineage for patis, grámak ütas, mahattaras, lyuktakas, upa- others*], recognising that wealth is as un. yuktakas, and adhikarikas, according as they stable as waves of water slowly agitated to and are concerned : fro by the wind, (and) that life is as transient (L. 42.)- Be it known to you that,-(by as an autumn cloud, and that the reward of a 9 There is a play on the second meaning of lantaka in the sense of a troublesome seditious enemy,' and on lakshmi in the sense of 'wealth.' 37 The secondary allusion is to the posts of his doors being made of jack wood, and his door keepers standing with reeds or canes in their hands. 3 Kamadeva, who was reduced to whos by the flame from the third eye in the forehead of Hara or Siva, because he attempted to inspire him, while engaged in religious austerities, with love for Parvati. The meaning of sa(P) töttarfya is not apparent. 40 See note 22 above, and the introductory remarks.


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