Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 311
________________ OCTOBER, 1883.] SANSKRIT AND OLD-CANARESE INSCRIPTIONS. 269 rivalry with him." Karna, indeed, attained time of the Saka king, on Wednesday the supreme (and) imperishable fame by liberality, day of the full-moon of the month) Åśvayaja and king Yudhishthira, thegood one, of renowned in the Angiras sarvatsara, on the great occafame, by truth, and Manôbhava by beauty, sion of an eclipse of the moon,-in order to (and) the famous Pârtha by skill in the use of) increase the religious merit and the fame of. the bow; (but) he, the king, verily surpasses (my) parents and of myself,—the village all of them in the world by all kinds of) named Pangarikâ, in the Vavvulatalla meritorious qualities. And, by being invested Twelve which is included in the Uppalika with names which are of excellent signification, Three-hundred, has been given by me," as a since he causes the happiness of mankind namasya-grant, to continde as long as the by the ceaseless dripping of this) showers of moon and stars may endure, together with gold, he has become the glorious Amogha- the rows and clumps of trees; together with varsha; since he cleaves asunder the troops that which is receivable (in kind) in grain and of (his) enemies with the sharp arrows dis- gold; together with the right to) fines and charged by his skilfulness, (he has become) a (the proceeds of punishments inflicted for) faults modern Sri-Pârtha; since he is impetuous in and the ten (classes of) offences; extending up destroying the darkness which is all (his) to its anciently determined four boundaries; mighty foes, (he has become) a glorious sun (and) together with all the income of duties, towards (his) enemies; since he is intent upon &c., -to the holy Bhatta Chhannapaiya,-the slaughtering the mighty ones,who are over- son's son of the holy Samkaraiya, and the son come by his prowess, (he has become a very of the holy Samgamaiya,-an inhabitant of Sri-Narayana among heroes; since he surpasses the glorious (city of) Gejaravåvi (?), who has the achievements of all early kings, (he has come here on business, who is a religious become) the glorious N ripatunga; (and) student of the Bhâradvaja gôtra and the Bahy. since (his) sole umbrella (of sovereignty) is richa (ádkha), (and) who has three invocations irradiated by supreme lordship over the whole (at the consecration of his sacred fire). world, (he has become) & very Sri-Triņêtrs (L. 54.)—"The boundaries of that (village) among kings. are-on the east, the village of Rohitalla; on (L. 42.)--And he, the most worshipful one, the south, the village of Silaharê; on the west, the supreme king of great kings, the supreme the village of Kiņihi ;" (and) on the north, lord, the most devoted worshipper of Mahes- the village of Antaravalli. vara, the glorious Amoghavarshadê ve, (L. 56.-"No obstruction is to be made by the favourite of the earth, the glorious Val- any one to the holy Bhatta Chhannapaiya labhanarendrad ê van-who meditated cultivating this village of Pangarika, thus on the feet of the most worshipful one, the defined as to its four boundaries, (or) causing supreme king of great kings, the supreme lord, (it) to be cultivated, (or) enjoying (it), or causthe glorious Akálavarshadeva,-being in gooding (it) to be enjoyed. And he who does health, issues his commands to all the ráshtra- (cause obstruction), shall be invested with (the patis, vishayapatis, grámakéțas, mahattaras, guilt of the five great sins and the minor sins." áyuktakas," upayuktakas, and ádhikarikas, ac- (L. 58.)-And it has been said ::-"This cording as they are concerned : general bridge of piety of kings should at all (L. 46.)—"Be it known to you that,--the times be preserved by you;" thus does Ramaglorious king Kakkalad ê ve being per- bhadra again and again make his request to all manently settled at the city of) Sri-Manya futare kings! Those gifts (of land), prokhet-eight hundred and ninety-four, (or) ductive of religion and wealth and fame, which in figures 894 years, (having expired) in the have been made here by kings in former times, centuries of years that have elapsed from the are like that which is vomited forth from the 20 The second meaning of this passage refers to the destruction of the power of the Daitya Bali by N&&yana or Vishnu, through the three strides (vikrama) taken by the latter, which covered heaven and earth and, but for the submission of Bali, would have govered the infernal regions also. * See note 18 above. ** The construction here is unoouth, as his name is given in the locative one in l. 47 above. It would have been better if mayd had been omitted altogether. * Or perhape Kipibhi.


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