Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 310
________________ 268 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [OCTOBER, 1883 king Jagattunga," who by (his) virtues (utmost) desires of applicants,-the (whole) became prominent in the world; when he earth was filled by him with temples of Siva, journeyed forth, the elephants of the quarters which in purity and brilliance) were like the of the world always ceased (their) flow of rut, masses of his own fame, being terrified by (his) odoriferous rotting (L. 23.)--And, -his elder brother, the gloelephants. rious Krishnarajad&va, having ascended (L. 13.)--His son was the lord of the earth, the skies, as if from a desire to conquer the the glorious king A môg havarsha, the realm of Indra, there was (born) from king fire of destruction to the Chalukyas, (and) the Amoghavarsha, in Kundakadēvi who was the accomplisher of the widowhood of the wives daughter of Yuvarâja, king Khoţtigaof mighty enemies, -by whom was made this deva," renowned in the world. city named Sri-Mânyak hêta, which sur- (L, 25 )- Acquiring birth from his younger Dagges the city of Indra, (and) this lake, (and) & brother Nirupama, there was (born) Kakpalace of great workmanship," (and) a harem. karå ja, the abode of the goddess of bravery (L. 15.)-From him there was (born) the on the earth. --who, through the excess of (his) lord of the earth, the universal sovereign, intellect and superhuman power, learnt, even Akala varsha; being distressed by his while yet a child, the whole of the science splendour, the sun shone in the sky with only of sovereignty. Single though he is, he, the the lustre of the moon." lord of the earth, possessed of irreproachable (L. 16.)- In the family of the Sri-Haihar power, always dwells in the minds of all yas there was born Kokkalla, the lord of people, -under the name of the moon, in the Chôdi, the destroyer of the pride of Dasa- minds) of the quarters of the world ; under the kantha," and she, who was the younger sister of name of the virtuous one, in the minds of Sankuka, was his danghter; in her, who attained learned people ; under the name of the liberal the rank of chief queen, there was born from one, (in the minds) of poor people and supking Krishņa" a son named Jagattunga, plicants; under the name of the angry one, (in who was renowned in the world for all kinds the minds of enemies; under the name of the of virtues. patient one, in the minds) of good people; (L. 18.)-From that same Jagattunga there under the name of the beautiful one, (in the was (born) in Lakshmi, who was the daughter minds of lovely women; (and) under the of Samkaragana lord of Chodi, a son named name of the friend, (in the minds) of friends. Indraraja, the predestined supporter of Lakshmi abides in the water of his sword, as regal splendour. if engaged for a long time in washing away (L. 19.)-His mind being not contented with her impurity, the stain of which has been the territories of (his) enemies that had been acquired by (her) blameworthy abodes of evil taken by his father, Jagattunga went kings; and the goddess Sarasvatî also (abides) forth to make the realm of his father subject in his mouth, saying, in jealousy, “Verily this to one sole umbrella (of universal sovereignty). | waterlily" is the home of Sri, and she is my (L. 20.) --In Chêdî there was (born) from rival; therefore I will take my stand here." Jagattanga, in Govinda mba who was the Verily his coercive reputation always roams daughter of (his) maternal uncle Samkaragana, over the earth, saying, "This king, of irrethe glorious Amoghavarsha. He, the proachable deeds, who has conquered the king, having mounted a glorious and heroic multitude of this) enemies in (the country of) thrcne which was like the seat of Indra, and Garjara ;" who has disported himself with the having presented innumerable villages conveyed Cholas and others; whose mind has not been by copper-plate charters of namasya-grants, disquieted in battles with the lord of the Haņas; (and) having made the whole world prog. (and) who has been fierce to the Påndyas,-is perous by (his) riches which exceeded the worthy to be praised by you; do not enter into " See note 5 above. 13 Karu is probably connected with kdruka,' an artisan, artificer, * Lit., "plays the part of the moon; behaves like the 96 1.e. the Akalavarahs of the preceding verse. " In No. CXXXIV., 1. 5, p. 247 above, his name i written Kottiga. * 1.8." his face." • See note 7, p. 157 above.


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