Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 312
________________ 270 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [OCTOBER, 1883. remains of an offering to an idol ; what good | This is the last Rashtrakuta inscription man would take them back again ? The earth that I propose editing for the present. Kakka has been enjoyed by many kings, commencing III. was the last king of his dynasty; and in with Sagara; he who for the time being possesses the year in which the present inscription is the earth, enjoys the reward of the grant of dated, he succumbed to Taila II. of the land that has been made)! Verily, those who Western Châlukya family. The only offconfiscate a grant of land, are born as black spring of Kakka III. of whom we have any snakes, dwelling in the dried-up hollows of certain mention is his daughter, Jakabbe or trees in the forests of the Vindhya (mountains), Jåkaladevi, who became the wife of Taila II. destitute of water! The giver of land dwells The overthrow of Kakka III. by Taila II. is for sixty thousand years in heaven; (but) the recorded in the Khârêpåtan plates," and also in confiscator (of a grant of land), and he who the Miraj plates. And the verse that fixes assents (to such confiscation), shall dwell for Saka 895, the Srimukha saivatsara for this the same number of years in hell! He who event, is given in an inscription at Gadag in confiscates a single (coin of) gold, (or) a single the Dharwad District, and in another, based cow, or a single finger of land, receives hell on the same model, at Kaļige in the Nizâm's (as his punishment) until the destruction of Dominions. It runs, as far as it can be (all) things! Those future kings in the earth, restored from the MS. Collection : whether born in my lineage or in the families Modalol=kitt-ikki Rattar=ppalaruman=adhatam of other kings, who, with minds free from sin, Mumjanam komdu dôr-ggapreserve in its integrity this my act of religion, bbi-daram yuddhado!=Påmchalana taleyuman -to them I make (my) salutation, joining komdu Chåļukya-rå jy-a- (my) hands together on (my) forehead! spadamam kai-komdu nishkamtakam=enisidan= (L. 66.)-Written by him who is named ek-amgadim Srimukh-abdań Punnarya, who belongs to the division of the modal-ag-irppattu-nálkum barisamakhilawąterlilies which are the Kayasthas,-the son's bhâchakramam Taila-bhûpam son of the holy Ambårya, (and) the son of “Having first uprooted (and) slain some of Yogamårya. the Rattas, (and) having killed Muñja," (and) No. CXXXVII. having decapitated Pañchâla in battle,-king This is another inscription of Kakka III., Taila, the mighty one, (who inspired) fear by or, as he is here called, Kak kala. The the pride of (his) arm, assumed the asylum of original is on a stone-tablet at the temple of the sovereignty of the Châluk yas and beBana-Samkari at Gundûr, five miles to the east came free from all troubles, (ruling), alone, of Siggâmve in the Bankápur Taluka of the over the whole circuit of the earth for twentyDharwad District. The sculptures at the top four years, beginning with the year Srimukha." of the tablet are a linga and Nandî, with the Whether, however, all power was then at sun and moon above them; and there are a once taken away by the Western Chalukyas cow and calf below the first two lines and above from the Rashtrakatas, or whether, for a the rest of the inscription. The writing covers time, the Rashtrakūtas continued to govern a space of about 2 2" high by l' 6" broad. as feudatories of the Western Chalukyas, - The language is Old-Canarese. is not quite certain. For I have recently The inscription is dated in Saka 896 for 895 obtained, from Hebba! near Lakshmêswar in the (A.D. 973-4), the Srimukha samvatsara, on a limits of the Dharwad District, an inscription Sunday in the month of Ashadha, at the time of Permånadi-Bůtayya, of the Ganga family, of the sun's commencing his progress to the - also called Satyavákya-Konguņivarma-Dharsouth. And it records a grant of land to the mamaharajadhiraja and Baddegadeva, and god Mahadeva or Siva of the village of Kade- Kannaradeva, -and of Marasingba, -evidently kêri or Kadekêri. the Permânaţi-Márasingha of the inscription now 3. Jour. Bo. Br. R. As. Soc. Vol. I. pp. 209 ff. *Ind. Ant. Vol. VIII. pp. 10 ff. » Elliot MS. Collection, Vol. I. pp. 370 ff. 37 id. Vol. 1. pp. 415 ff. » The metre is faulty from yu to cha. * King of Malaya; Ind. Ant. Vol. V. p. 317. 40 The original stone is so much injured throughout. that the inscription cannot be edited from the impresBion supplied to me.


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