Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 309
________________ OCTOBER, 1883.] SANSKRIT AND OLD-CANARESE INSCRIPTIONS. 267 [ sarvvântân-bhAvinah på[ro]thivêndram (n) bhuyo bhayo yachat8 Råmabhadrah !! Yâniha dattani (°C) purá narồndrair-ddânâni dharmm-a[r*]tha-yakas-karâņi | nirmmálya-vânta-pratimâni tani ko na{"] ma sådhuḥ punar=adadita Va(ba)hubhir=vvasudha bhukta på[r*]thivaih Sagar-adibhih yasya yasya ["] yadâ bhůmis-tasya tasya tadâ phalań | Vindhy-atavishv=atôyâsu sushka-kotara vâsinah | krishn-âhayo ["] hi jậyantê bhûmi-dân-apahâriņaḥ || Shashți varsha-sahasraņisvarggê tishthati bhumi-daḥ lâchchhêttà ch=ânume[*] nha cha tấny=ôva narakê vasết | Savannam=6kan gầm=&hân bhâmêr=apy= Okam-amgulan baran-narakam=apnôti ya["] vad-a-bhůta-sa[m]plavam Mad-vanga (nisa)-jaḥ para-mahipati-vanga(iša)-ja vâ pâpâdrapêta-manasô bhuvi bhậvi-bhûpâh [°] yo palayanti mama dharmmam-idam samasta têsham-maya virachitô=ñjalir ésha mârdhni śrimad-Amva(mbå)[") rya-pautrêņa Yôgamarya-sutena cha 1 Kâyastha-kumuda-bha(Psar)gina likhitam Punnarya-namna Translation. (L. 6.)-Then from the mountain of dawn Om ! May the three immortal kalpa-trees, 15 which was the race of Yadu there arose a decorated with the clinging embraces of the brilliant sun, the mighty Dantidurga, shining creepers which are Sri and Sarasvati who caused to blossom the waterlilies which and Uma, be for your prosperity! were (his) friends, and who effected the (L. 1.)-That lineage, to the greatness of destruction of the denge darkness of the which was produced by wonderful and mighty | Chalukyas. deeds, (and) which has the pálidhvaja for its (L. 7.)-And, since he had no son, his topmost cluster of sprays, "-which sprang from paternal uncle, Kộishnaraja--by whom the bulbous root which was the moon, stationed there was amassed a pure fame, the beauty of in the forest of the masses of braided hair of which was worthy to be gazed upon in the Dhurjati" who is worthy to be praised by halls of eighteen lords,"_became the ruler of Brahma and the other immortals, (and) be- the earth. sprinkled with the pure streams of the river (L. 8.)- And from him there was (born) of the gods, -attained luxurious growth the king Gô vindaraja, who acquired fame from the plentiful shade of (its) umbrellas (of in many battles, (and) by whom, possessed of sovereignty) which were as white as jasmine- (great) treasures, love, which is the reward flowers. of religion and wealth, was enjoyed to full (L. 3.)-As the moon (sprang) from the satisfaction. ocean, (and) as a stream of lustre and a trick. (L. 10.)-His younger brother was the king ling of nectar (springe) from the moon,-(80) Nirupama, whose appellation was one that. from that (lineage) there sprang the race of was of suitable meaning because of the preYadu, which is worthy to be praised, in which eminence of his merits; whose army rested the holy Sârngi,ao of wonderful daring, dis- itself on the edges of the shores of all the ported himself, having the budding flowers oceans; (and) who, through having the whole which were his captivating beauty sucked by world bowed down (before him), elevated one the bees which were the side-glances of the sole umbrella (of universal sovereignty). shepherdesses. (L. 12.)-From him there was (born) a son, 1 Vishnu, BrahmA, and Siva No. CXXVIII. 1. 9, and No. CXXXIII. 1. 27, are the only * .e. the Sómavatás.-The second meaning of the instances known to the in which the pajidhaja is allotted verso is play on the other meaning of varsa as's to the Rashtrakūtas. bamboo-plant. 2Siva. 11 As applied to the lineage, utpallava has probably to 1 The heavenly Ganges. be taken in the Bonsa of a high banner.'-The meaning of 20 Vishnu, as Krishna. paudhwaja or pålidhuaja has not yet been cleared up * This seems to refer to the number of Krishna's 800 Vol. IX. p. 120, noto 38. The present passage, and feudatory chieftains.


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