Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 293
________________ SEPTEMBER, 1883.] SANSKRIT AND OLD-CANARESE INSCRIPTIONS. 255 grant of land belongs in common (to him who also called Nityavarsha II.; and Krishna makes it and to all who continue it.)" IV. or Kannara, also called Nirupama II. and (L. 55.)-And it has been said by Râmabha- Akalavarsha III. Kottiga or Khottiga left no dra, -"This general bridge of piety of kings issue, and this explains why the date of his should at all times be preserved by you ; thas inscription now published is considerably later does Râmabhadra again and again make his than the dates obtained for Kțishna IV.; viz., request to all future princes !" The giver of there being no probability of Kottiga leaving land dwells for sixty thousand years in heaven; any issue, first his younger brother Krishna IV. (but) the confiscator (of a grant of land), was joined with him in the government, and and he who assents to (such confiscation), shall then the latter's son Kakka III. Kottiga seems dwell for the same number of years in hell! to have died between the date of the present He is born as a worm in the ordure of a dog inscription and the date of the Kardâ grant in and is cooked in torment) together with his the following year. ancestors, who takes away land that has been The present inscription is from a stone-tablet given, whether by himself or by another ! By leaning against, or built into the wall of the giving with stint, and by confiscating that temple of Kalamêśvara at Adaraguñchi, in the which has been given, the whole of that which Hubballi Taluka of the Dharwad District. The has been given from birth upwards becomes sculptures at the top of the stone are-three fruitless: He dwells in the world of Brahmå canopies or pinnacles of temples; then a comfor a thousand crores and a hundred crores of partment containing the sun and moon, three ages, who gives a grant of land! May there seated figures, facing full-front, and a linga; be the prosperity of the whole world! Om; and then a third compartment containing a reverence to Siva! cow and calf, some small sacrificial implement, No. CXXXIV. Nandi, and two more seated figures, facing After Govinda V. the succession went to the full-front. The writing covers a space of abont descendants of Jagattunga II. by his second 2' 35" high by 1' 9' broad; it commences with wife Gôvindâmbâ-probably throngh Govinda three short liries to the right of the lower part V. leaving no issue. There is at any rate of the sculptured surface. The language is nothing in the inscriptions to indicate that any Old-Canarese. act of forcible usurpation took place. The inscription is dated at the time of an The sons of Jagattunga II. by Govindimba eclipse of the sun, on Sunday, the new-moon were Krishna III. and Amoghavarsha day of the month Aśvayuja of Saka 893 (A.D. II., whose wife was Kunda kad o vi, the 971-2), the Prajapati saivatsara, while Kotdaughter of Yuvarâja, -who was probably tiga, also called Nityavarsha II., was reignYuvaraja I. of the family of the Kalachurising, and while his feudatory Permânadi. or Kulachuris of Tripura. It is not certain Marasimha, a Mahamandalesvara of the whether Krishna III. and Amôghavarsha II. Ganga family who is mentioned in other actually reigned; but the shortness of the inscriptions of the period, was governing the interval between Saka 855, the latest date Gangavadi Ninety-six-thousand, the Purigere obtained for Gôyinda V., and Saka 867, the Three-hundred, and the Belvala or Belvola earliest date obtained for Krishna IV., is Three-hundred. And it records grants that against their having done so, -especially as were made by a certain Panchala, who was they were anterior by one generation to Govinda governing the Sebbi Thirty, and by MalligaV., and as the inscription now published Gâdayya, to the god Malligêśvara or Siva. shows that Kottiga or Khottiga did reign. Sebbi is evidently the modern Chabbi or Krishna III. left no issue. Amôghavarsha Chebbi, in the Hubballi Taluka, four miles to II. left two sons,-Kottiga or Khottiga, the south of Adaraguñchi. Transcription." (') Om Svasti Nityavarsha[!] dêva sriprithviva• His name is written thus in the present inscription; "From an ink-impression. but in the Karda grant it is written Khottiga.


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